Society - Urbanism

Dénia reduces the speed limit on its streets and installs illuminated signs with solar panels

02 June 2022 - 13: 35

The City Council has advanced its signaling plan in the municipal area and in the next few days the installation of new vertical traffic signals at pedestrian crossings will be completed. The other novelty of the plan is to expand the number of roads with a speed limit of 20 km/h.

Image: Area zone with speed limit reductionArea zone with speed limit reduction

Pedestrian signage

The new panels installed at pedestrian crossings are equipped with their own lighting system assisted by solar panels. The distribution of these has been carried out in the following streets:

Light signaling at pedestrian crossings

Zones 20/30

The reduction of the speed limit in some Dianense streets comes from the Cycling Mobility Strategy in Dénia 2021-2027. A kind of roadmap for the promotion of sustainable mobility in the city that includes, as the main action of its lines of action, the creation and expansion in three phases of areas for moderation of speed and incorporation of cyclists, the so-called 20/30 zones.

Phase 1 of the strategy includes the most central part of the urban nucleus, including andBetween the port and Alicante avenue and Patricio Ferrándiz street and Ronda Murallas, area where the speed limit is set at 20 kilometers per hour.

Map of phase 1 of speed moderation in Dénia

According to the Councilor for Citizen Security, Javier Scotto, these days the vertical speed moderation signaling of a total of 26 streets in this Area 20 has been completed. Signs have been installed that warn that you are entering a road of limit 20 and other exits indicating that the speed limit ends. This action will be reinforced in the coming days with the installation of signage at the midpoints of all the streets with road traffic, as a reinforcement of the speed limit.

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