Society - Urbanism

Dénia shows off the first pedestrian crossings adapted for people with ASD

August 19 from 2021 - 09: 28

The painting works of the first pedestrian crossings with pictograms have already begun to adapt them to people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), a project of the Dénia City Council that has had the collaboration and advice of the APROSDECO association for validate the pictograms.

Image: Pedestrian crossing adapted for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder in DéniaPedestrian crossing adapted for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Dénia

La iniciativa consiste en colocar en la primera franja de cada lado del paso de peatones cuatro pictogramas (‘parar’, ‘mirar’, ‘coches’, ‘cruzar’), que se completan, en pasos más extensos, con otra serie de imágenes en la segunda franja que indican el sentido de la marcha. Los textos, breves, que acompañan a los dibujos, se pueden leer en valenciano y castellano.

The materialization of the project has begun with the pedestrian crossings at the entrances to educational centers and institutes so that they are ready for the start of the new course. The new signage will be extended to the rest of the road paint gradually.

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