Society - Tourism

Dénia wins the Anuaria de Oro award for its tourist campaign "Your house without you"

February 22 from 2021 - 11: 24

The Anuaria Awards for Spanish Graphic Design have awarded the Anuaria de Oro award to the best advertising campaign in digital media to "Tu casa sin ti", created by the Dianense advertising agency Sapristi for Turisme Dénia and which was launched during the confinement of the first wave of the pandemic.

Image: Tourist campaign "Your house without you", by SapristiTourist campaign "Your home without you", by Sapristi

The decision of the jury, formed by the associations of designers and creatives from all over Spain, was announced last Friday and although the gala is scheduled to be held in March in Barcelona, ​​it will be the evolution of the pandemic that will dictate the final date Of the same.

"Your house without you" was the campaign that was carried out by the tourism department to "reinforce the memory of the city and generate notoriety among the visiting public of Dénia so that they would take us into account when deciding on the city to spend their summer holidays". That is why a micro-segmentation work was carried out in social networks so that the different pieces that made it up were seen especially in Madrid and Valencia, main points of origin of our national tourism.

At a creative level, differentiation was achieved with a change of landscape. According to Alfred Pavía, Creative Director of Sapristi, “While all the destinations showed what they wanted to show, the typical images of beaches and mountains, Dénia showed what people most wanted to see at that time: their houses without them. For this we looked for confined photographers and asked them to take pictures of their houses so that the pieces were as real as possible. And with that material we created specific pieces for the different audiences that reached homes very well, were very shared and created emotional ties of the Dénia brand with its target audience at the time when we needed each other the most. ".

At the same time, in Dénia "The recipe to get out of this" was launched, which managed to unite the different sectors of Dianense society and make the local population aware of the need to support local trade. Both one and the other had a wide impact on networks (more than a million views) and even on the national press, thus achieving a broad return on investment and far exceeding the proposed objectives.

The Anuaria de Oro award (fourth that Sapristi gets) joins the award for innovation for its communication strategy, awarded by the Valencian Community Tourism last November to the Dénia Department of Tourism.

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