
Dénia in works: Was this chaos necessary?

06 June 2018 - 14: 54

Plaza Archiduque Carlos, calle Colón, calle La Mar, calle San Francisco, casa de la calle San José, Antigua Lonja, calle Sandunga… Además asfaltado en varias calles y avenidas de la ciudad, y por si fuera poco, campaña de limpieza intensiva de los viales de Dénia.

These days the city is a chaos of closed streets, detours of traffic, lack of parking and uncertainty of the drivers, who are not clear about where they can circulate and where not every day.

What has happened so that everything has come together in time? It is easy to understand if we take into account that a very high percentage of these works belong to the Plan Confianza, which we have been dragging since the 2009 year. That plan that expires next year after 10 active years. That plan that arrived in Dénia to build a large audience and that over time changed to more than a dozen projects (and a model of one million euros).

That plan expires. And it is not turkey moque, if you allow us the expression. It is not because almost 8 millions of euros in investments are at stake, a money that can be lost if the works are not finished in June of 2019. The Ministry has been responsible for tendering most of these projects, and is responsible for the start dates of the works.

A year is still left, yes, but there is too much at stake. The works have a specific deadline, but if we know something in this city is that raising a street can cost us the paralysis of a work by the discovery of archaeological remains or more serious things: find asbestos pipes, as has happened in the San Francisco street or on La Mar street, or discover that the homes of La Mar are not connected to the sewer system. Problems that must be solved.

Esos obstáculos no se pueden contemplar de manera concreta en el proyecto, excepto teniendo en cuenta que «algo» puede suceder. La programación de la administración es fundamental, y la paciencia de los vecinos, en este caso, también. Porque si bien es cierto que the works have begun when worse comes to the city, it is also that they will pass, they will end and Dénia will wear a totally renewed and more attractive image for those who live here and for those who visit us.

So… Was this chaos necessary?

obras en la calle la mar
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