Dénia sets aside the institutional framework to celebrate a popular and participatory 9th of October

Start date: 07th October 2016
Finish date: 09th October 2016
Event type: Other events
Site: Dénia
Schedule: It is explained below
Home: Free
Event finished

The Valencian Community Day is celebrated next weekend, and the City Council of Dénia has scheduled several events that will take place over several days to commemorate such an important day for Valencians. As it happened last year, the local council will not hold any institutional act, since, as explained by the mayor, Vicent Grimalt, it is intended to organize participatory and popular events that will also be held in different parts of the city.

On Saturday 8 of October a game of Raspall will be held on Calle l'Escullera, in the district of Baix la Mar, which will face Carlos and Murillo against Gorxa and Mata. The game will start at 17: 30 hours.

On Sunday 9 of October will take place the bulk of the events, which will begin at 10 in the morning with the guided tour Remembrança de Dénia at the Temps del Rei Jaume I d'Aragó, which will lead visitors through the ins and outs of the Dénia of S.XIII. The visit, guided by Josep Antoni Gisbert, head of the department of archeology of Dénia, will start at the Plaza del Consell and end at the Castle.

At 12: 00 hours will take place the traditional concert of the Musical Artistic Association of Dénia, which this year will be held in Pere Eiximen d'En Carrós square (First Mariners Group). The events will continue in the afternoon also with music, that of the dolçainers and tabaleters collas that from the 17: 30 hours will travel through different points of the city until they are in the Plaza del Consell. There, at 18: 30 hours, the Dianium Dansa delegation will depart, together with the giant Tirant and Carmesina, to dance the dansà of Dénia and read passages of Tirant Lo Blanch through Diana and Marqués de Campo streets.

The events of the Valencian Community Day will end at 20: 00 hours with the concert of the Colla del Cànter Nits in the Memòria to be held in the Plaza del Consell.

XX Fira Agriculture i Productes Ecologics, Artesanals i autòctons

As usual, the celebration of 9 d'Octubre in Dénia is linked to the craft fair that every year brings together dozens of stands of artisan producers in the city. This year you can visit the 7, 8 and 9 days of October on La Vía Street, the new location chosen by the Environment Department, organizer of the fair.

But it is not the only novelty that this year brings. To the offer of the more than 70 stops that are expected to be installed at the fair is added a wide schedule of talks, debates and projections around the theme of the fair that will take place at the Center d'Art L'Estació on Friday , Saturday and Sunday.

Program of talks, debates and projections

Friday 7 of October. Sustainability, human resources and associationism.

Saturday 8 of October. Food sustainability and bioconstruction

Sustainability, ecology, environment and landscape

Sunday 9 of October. Sustainability: Energy Efficiency

Agricultural Sustainability

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