
Scheduled road closures in Dénia for 2017 failures

10 March 2017 - 14: 57

La plant of the 2017 failures in Dénia is practically a reality. This weekend the first ninots and sacks of sand to configure the eleven Fallas monuments, and this will force the cutting of streets in the municipality from this Saturday.

Saturday March 11

At 08.00h, the traffic on the 9 d'Octubre street will be cut from Mestre José Moncho street to Federico García Lorca street by the assembly of the fails Camp Roig. Traffic will remain open at c / Mestre Jose Moncho and the Avd. Hnos. Maristas.

The assembly West fails it will force the cut, to the 16.00h, of the traffic in the accesses to the Plaza Valgamediós, by assembly of the fault, cutting to the traffic the following streets: Av. Gandía - Av. Castellón; c / Benitatxell - Ronda Murallas; Av. Gandía - Av. Valencia .; Mayor -Valgamediós. Traffic will remain open at Abu Zeyan St., Castellón Ave. and Ronda Murallas.

At 15: 00 hours, traffic will be cut in the last section of Marqués de Campo and Red Cross area; c / Sandunga - c / La Esplanada and Cervantes Esplanade inland - c / La Mar. Traffic may pass through the Cervantes Esplanade to c / La Mar and c / Calderón ac / Temple Sant Telm through the plantà of the Port Rotes fails.

It should be remembered that Marqués de Campo Street will remain closed to traffic from the 15: 00 hours on Saturday 11 day until Monday 20 March.

Sunday March 12

The plantà of the Saladar fails it will cause at 08.00h, the traffic cut in the following intersections: c / Diana - Patricio Ferrándiz; c / Diana - c / Calpe; c / Diana - c / Benissa; Paseo Saladar - c / Carlos Sentí; Paseo Saladar - Sertorio. Traffic will remain open on c / Carlos Senti, direction c / Calpe or Av. Marquesado and c / Patricio Ferrándiz also in the section that concerns us. In addition, due to events in c / Calpe, it will be cut from 19.00:16 p.m. on March 19 to March XNUMX.

That same day, at 08.00h, traffic will be cut at the following crossings: access to the Glorieta in c / Ramón y Cajal and c / Vte. Andrés Estellés with c / Colón. Traffic will remain open at Pare Pere Street towards Ramon y Cajal Street, due to the plantà de la fails Center.

Lunes de marzo 13

To start the week, the plantà of the Campaments fails will force the cutting of traffic on Av. Valencia - Abu Zeyan; Av. Alicante - C / Mallorca and Av. Valencia - Av. Gandía (only residents). Traffic will remain open at Abu Zeyan Street, Av. Castellón and Av. Miguel Hernández.

La plant for the Paris fails Pedrera start at 15: 00 hours, cutting traffic on Patricio Ferrándiz Street, from Plaza Jaume I to Cartagena Street, and Sagunto street from Paseo del Saladar to Senija Street. The traffic will remain open in the Paseo del Saladar, Plaza Jaume I and Av. Alicante-Archduke Carlos.

La falla Baix la Mar saldrá a la calle también el lunes. A las 15.00h, se cortará el tráfico en la c/ Doctor Fleming – Ronda Murallas y rotonda Miguel Hernández – carretera Marinas y la c/ Sanchís Guarner desde la c/ Senieta hasta la c/ Doctor Fleming. El tráfico permanecerá abierto en Ronda Murallas, sentido centro urbano, y la Av. Miguel Hernández.

Tuesday March 14

At the 8: 00 in the morning, for the assembly of the Darrere fails Castell in Miraflor Street, the following streets will be cut off to traffic: c / Sant Roc-c / Miraflor; Av. Miguel Hernández-c / Miraflor; c / Xábia-Adsubia and c / Xábia-c / Llíber. Traffic will remain open in Ronda Murallas and av. Miguel Hernández.

Wednesday March 15

At the 7: 00 in the morning the pieces of the Falla Diana. Es por ello que se cortará el tráfico en los cruces siguientes: c/ Pintor Llorens – paseo Saladar; c/ Pintor Llorens-avd. Marquesado. El tráfico permanecerá abierto en el paseo Saladar y Av. Marquesado dirección a la c/ Pintor Llorens – Av. Joan Fuster.

That day, at the 10: 00 h., The plant for the Les Roques fails it will cause the traffic cut at the following intersections: Av. del Cid - c / Benicadim; Av. Del Cid - c / Beniatlà, c / Sant Narcísc / Nou. What will affect the streets Sant Francesc, Stma. Trinidad, Sant Vicent de la Roqueta, Guant and Beniatlà. The traffic will be cut in the ascent to the castle until the end of the Fallas parties.

Groups of sailors

On Saturday 11 in March the Pere Eiximen d'en Carròs square, of the First Seamen's Group will be closed to traffic, and on March 15, the same will be done with the Marina Alta square, where the 2º Seamen's Group is located.

Mascletà and failure of the Board

The Local Board Fallera will plant its fault on Thursday 16 in March at the intersection of La Mar and Diana streets, which will not cause any traffic cuts as it is a pedestrian zone. In addition, on Saturday 18, at 20: 30 hours, a mascletà will be fired at the Plaza Jaume I, so traffic access to the square will be cut during the preparation and celebration of it.

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