Compromís - Culture

Compromís Dénia celebrates the Estellés night

26 September 2022 - 10: 10

After 2 years without being able to celebrate the traditional cultural and festive event for the birth of the Valencian poet Vicent Andrés Estellés due to his restrictions, he has once again celebrated the XI edition of the Estellés night with a great reception.

About 25 people representing the culture, sports, festivals and politics of the municipality -among them the president of the Corts Valencianes, Enric Morera- paid their particular tribute to our beloved poet with the reading of his poems. This event featured music and other activities dedicated to Valencianism until late at midnight.

Compromís cultural act 'La Nit d'Estelles'

The maintenance of the festival was carried out by Valen Alcalà, a member of the Compromís group, who highlighted the importance of this type of celebration “as a way of keeping alive the traditions and the key characters of our culture”.

For bureaucratic reasons this year it has not been possible to celebrate on Vicent Andrés Estellés street and it has had to be transferred to the terrace of the Indonesio 43 restaurant. From the executive of Compromís per Dénia it is hoped that next year it can be held again where traditionally it has been done.

Compromís por Dénia ha valorado muy positivamente esta edición que, como cada año, pretende celebrar y difundir la figura de un poeta muy cercano a nuestra localidad. El portavoz del colectivo, Agustí Espí, ha agradecido la gran acogida que ha tenido la fiesta de Estelles esta edición, que año tras año suma a más gente, tanto de la sociedad civil como del propio colectivo. Por último, ha dado las gracias por la presencia de todos los lectores y colaboradores, así como en la Muixeranga de la Marina Alta «por sumar popularidad y atractivo a este acto consolidado que cada año gana en adeptos y calidad».

Muixeranga in the act of commitment
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