Ciudadanos - Politics

Citizens committed to the regeneration of the beaches in Dénia

January 18 from 2017 - 00: 00

The Citizens in the city of Dénia group has announced it will present a motion to the next plenary session for dunar restoration of city beaches. They claim they consider necessary "from the adaptation of a dog beach, the implementation of beach bars, the realization of sporting events, the possible involvement of the Patinegro Plover and the recent PATIVEL".

For Mari Martínez, it is necessary "A dune restoration strategy where it is considered essential for the defense against coastal erosion, the conservation of our beaches and thus avoid the disappearance of different species that inhabit and coexist in the Mediterranean dune cords".

Also, from citizens they defend the preparation of a project to justify the actions to inventory the current state of the beaches and schedule actions without falling into errors improvisation.

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