
Nearly 400 people support in Dénia a government 'A la valenciana'

21 June 2016 - 17: 10

Last Monday, the Plaza del Consell de Dénia hosted the largest act of the electoral campaign of the A la Valenciana coalition, made up of Compromís, Podemos and Izquierda Unida. Some 400 people attended this event, in which Joan Baldoví, Gerard Fullana, David Rodríguez, Rubén Martínez Dalmau and Vicenta Jiménez participated.

They all agreed that they want to become the first force to vote in Valencia and lead «un cambio de gobierno a la valenciana». In this regard, said Fullana «hay cosas que compartimos con los socialistas», So ask them to «inclinen la balanza hacia las políticas de progreso y no hacia la derecha».

Esquerra Unida candidate for Alicante, David Rodríguez, said that «el cambio será de izquierdas, o no será». Meanwhile, Vicenta Jiménez, candidate for the Senate in Alicante we defended the recovery of the true sense of the House.

The most anticipated speech of the evening was that of Joan Baldoví, which focused on the lack of funding Valencian provinces have suffered because of the Popular Party government. Baldoví advantage to dismantle myths launched by the right as the left can not manage money and that popular have been the defenders of the interests of the Valencians. At regional level, Baldoví recalled that Compromís was the only group that has claimed responsibility for the Gandía-Denia train in Congress.

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