Companies - Society - Urbanism

CEDMA municipal government claims the advances in the PGOU

22 2016 April - 08: 34

Urban planning in Dénia and the development of its most important document, the General Plan, continues to concern the members of the Business Center of the Marina Alta. Recently, the CEDMA Urban Planning Commission has met with members of the municipal government team to learn about the progress of the PGOU and, despite praising the willingness of politicians to listen, they missed details and specifics regarding the document.

To the meeting with the mayor, Vicent Grimalt; the councilor for urban planning, Maria Josep Ripoll; and the first deputy mayor, Rafa Carrió, attended by the members of the CEDMA Planning Commission along with the vice president, Benito Mestre, and the president, Sonja Dietz.

It is not the first meeting held between the two sides, and neither is the first in which political representatives tell them «la oficina técnica municipal está analizando y diagnosticando la labor realizada en la legislatura anterior». En esta ocasión, a diferencia de las anteriores, les apuntaron que los resultados de ese análisis podrían estar en mayo. Además anunciaron que en el pleno del mes de abril, que se celebrará la próxima semana, se abordará la creación del Consell d’Urbanisme.

After the limited information received from CEDMA proposed that the City Council publicly expose the progress made regarding the drafting of the General Plan to help understand the entire citizenry at what point is now.

As for the Municipal Planning Department, members of the corporation claimed that it is able to expand the number of senior technicians enabling an improvement in performance.

Collaboration to address the question of the coastal strip

Given the prevarication of the Environment to numerous attempts City Council to address the issue of sea-land line condition, the Federation has promised to intercede requesting the Ministry a valid interlocutor facing a trialogue meeting.

From the Federation they want to know the rules currently governing the demarcation towards the interests of landowners frontline and potential investors, an important sector that moves economy.

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