Politics - PSPV

Farewell letter from the PSPV of Dénia to Jordi Serra: «Bon vent i barca nova in the teu viatge a Ítaca, company i amic Jordi»

11 October 2019 - 11: 57

Ahir ens will deixar the company and amic Jordi Serra. That is what som molts you give them and the deniers that the sort of conèixer el nostre company will have. Per a tots nosaltres, the ones who will have the sort of sharing a part of the suit with them, especially paraules ...

Image: Jordi Serra with Vicent Grimalt and Óscar MengualJordi Serra with Vicent Grimalt and Óscar Mengual

But not the vau conèixer, Jordi was a committed person, treballadora, llutadorra, convçuda in the seua aposta pel servei als altres, to the seua ciutat. Jordi s'il·lusionava amb every mampresa nova to which s'hi sumava i il·lusionava els who shared amb ambm temps, projectes, converses.

I always, always, amb a somriure. Jordi was, that is, because he will always be, the kind of person who offered a reply.

Ens has deixat the company of a thousand lluites per la consecució of the benestar de les persones, the millora of the quality of life of our children. Hem lost a person who will dedicate a good part of his life, from Ben Jove, to public service, to work for a society that he needs, rather than mai, people from the Valua, the commitment and the defense of civic values ​​that It will be exercised by the political militia.

But I also, above all, have deixat a beautiful person, an amic dels seus amics. Totes les pèrdues are sad and irreparable. All the people you think are going, say forats to the cor that they will blow. Jordi deixa òrfena the socialist family deniera de la passió, l'alegria i l'optimisme irreducible amb que que feina per la seua Dénia.

But saps Jordi? Ens pledge to keep molt viu el teu esperit, to apply the one that he appraises from you to continue treballant for the city and you win. Per you, Jordi!

A fortress embraced the family. To Encarna ia Juan, a kiss and our support for the one you need. Als amics, between els quals ens incloem, força i ànims in these moments so durs.

Bon vent i barca nova in teu viatge to Ithaca, company and amic Jordi.

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