Culture - Education - Music

Brilliant brooch to the 'XL Week of Music and Adoration of the Evangelical Churches of Spain' held in Dénia

August 24 from 2015 - 13: 25

One more year the city of Dénia has hosted the Week of Music and Adoration of the Evangelical Churches of Spain. A week that has been very special in this edition since the 40th Anniversary has been fulfilled. The closing of this edition was in charge of the participation of the 120 students who have attended this year and who offered a majestic concert that brought together a large audience that overflowed the capacity of the Hall of Acts and Meetings of Alfa & Omega.

La presenteSemana de Música y Adoración además del concierto de clausura protagonizado por los alumnos, también ha contado con otros conciertos. El primero estuvo protagonizado por de Abier Mir, cantautor pop de Miami quien además estuvo impartiendo algunos talleres. El segundo de ellos estuvo a cargo del grupo de flamenco cristiano «Alabaster«, que llenó el escenario de su arte, música y canciones de adoración y alabanza. Un concierto que aglutino una gran asistencia de público.

The third concert focused on offering a concert commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the Week of Music and Worship. In it students who were at the origins of this contest they participated. A concert that served to attendees could see how it has evolved and Worship Music Week with the passage of time and the application of new technologies to the world of music.

While as a culmination to the week the closing concert was held in which the students participating in the present edition showed the audience everything they had learned and what they had rehearsed in the classrooms.

The objective of the Week of Music and Adoration as explained by Jorge Pastor, Director of the Center for Christian Encounters Alfa & Omega and pastor of the Evangelical Baptist Church 'Trinitat"Dénia"tools is to give scores to communities who want to praise God through music".

Week of Music and Worship is established as a camp that welcomes musician and people interested in music and worship from the 15 years. "In which are made presentations and workshops of all kinds to improve the worship of God through music, and also this year they have innovated the workshops adjusting them to changes and technological improvements"Explains Esteban Ramón, director of the Music Week.

For his art Pau Llorens, coordinator of the week in the last 20 years, he is proud that there have been long waiting lists in recent years to attend these courses. Also notes that "the students of each edition receive with gratitude all they learn in this week and then they contribute to their communities and it suits them very well".

Finally, Jorge Pastor explained that "music is essential in evangelical churches where it is sung, from praise and adoration music to gospel and all styles of musical rhythms and everything to honor, praise and glorify God", That is why Jorge Pastor believes that this week is essential for this to continue growing.

Besides, andhese tools which is spoken in the Week of Music and Worship, not close to Protestant churches, indeed, all communities, also Catholic, can take advantage of it”, Concludes Jorge Pastor, director of the Alfa & Omega school.

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