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So were the Fiestas de Dénia 2011

18 July 2011 - 11: 48

Between music, fireworks and heat have dismissed the Feast of the Holy Blood 2011. A week full of emotions, excitement and experiences. Now, back to work is made more than one heavy, not so much for the festive hangover as the emptiness left by the beloved and expected things when they're gone.

The fifths unleashed madness on the Dianenses roads. His distribution of books encouraged people who continued with their daily rhythm. The walls of the Municipal Market witnessed the breadth of the Quintà 2011. A total of 261 kids celebrated the year of his eighteenth birthday in style. They were accompanied by a large number of delegates and party commissars including the mayor of Denia, Ana Kringe were.

There are so many stimuli received that almost people no longer manage to remember the first bars of an opening by our employers at the mercy of brass bands and heifers. An incredible Calle Marqués de Campo packed with more than 10.000 people filled with a multicolored set, with the different shirts of the clubs, a start of the party that gave a glimpse of what these days would be like. Around seven in the afternoon, on time for their appointment, a rocket unleashed the madness of countrymen and tourists. The bulls are coming!

It is typical topics or had the pleasure to attend and report on the seventeenth anniversary of the Aplec de Danses. The tradition continues to create fashion. Thousand people gathered to see the cultural delights that gave us the Dance Group Jijona and local Dianum DansaAccompanied by a rondalla Safor.

The next day nothing seemed under control. The fifths unleashed madness on the Dianenses roads. His distribution of books encouraged people who continued with their daily rhythm. The walls of the Municipal Market witnessed the breadth of the Quintà 2011. A total of 261 kids celebrated the year of his eighteenth birthday in style. They were accompanied by a large number of delegates and party commissars including the mayor of Denia, Ana Kringe were.

Tuesday Fallero Day was celebrated, and besides paellas and cucañas, the night brought the traditional act fallero which new presidents received the baton from the hand of outgoing presidents. It was the first major act of the new Falleras Over Denia, Anna Sobrecases and Ainhoa ​​Flores.

Strolling into the street Via a trailer while kick drums, snare and hi-hat listened observed. A clean guitar chord tried to cajole the public from the same soundcheck. Who plays tonight? He asked an older man. The Orquesta MontecarloThey replied. Good songs, good taste and professionalism, the three keys by which the most important orchestra of the Valencia won a Dianense public unaccustomed to receive this kind of show within their city.

Among bouncy castles and contests of paellas came the Artistic Musical grouping of Dénia to make it fixed in the usual calendar of festivals, the symphony offer we have reduced available throughout the year. Concert first national, exclusive row and, at the same time simple. Without solo this time the band released a work of a great composer, Jose Alberto Pina.

Do not forget that, by the acts happen, the Bous a la Mar they have continued to be the protagonists. Some leading actors somewhat forgotten by the people and so surprising to visitors that they have the pleasure of seeing them live for the first time. On a hot afternoon, the peñas were visited by the bullfighting company Arte and with cardboard bulls the children could safely enjoy their peculiar confinement.

Children's fun was still latent when a starting gun put everyone who was walking along the main roads of Dénia on the alert. A monumental fireworks surprised everyone. This novelty was very popular with the audience who jumped in energetic applause when the last rocket sounded in the Glorieta del Pais Valencià.

On Friday, Night of Pop Spanish it filled La Vía Street with melancholy. Classics from the 80s and 90s arrived in our city sung by their original interpreters. After that bath of memories, we all met together in Calle La Mar to continue with the songs that made us dream decades ago played at a party on the radio program What was missing!.

With fair or unfair evaluations, according to the opinion of some or other commissions, the Floats were developed. The presentation of the work of the different fallas left the visitors speechless. The eleven districts made us enjoy a colorful parade. Falleras Mayores and Belleas del Foc from our community came to Dianense county to enjoy the second fallera date of the festivities.

With fatigue getting into the body of the festeros, two large buses filled the back of the Museu del Joguet. The ex of El Canto del Loco, David Otero landed for the second time in Dénia. The Pescao raised an audience of more than 4000 people.

After the concert the fireworks display put an end to our major festivals 2011.

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