Gastronomy - Society

Article from the Innovació i Creativitat Office: «The conclusions of the D * na Fòrum at the disposal of tots»

May 22 from 2020 - 11: 34

The D * na Fòrum, celebrated the month of November passat the irrevocable referents of the Objectius of Sustainable Development (ODS), will represent an important event for the tourist, gastronomic and agri-food sector of the Marina Alta. For the first time, producers, businessmen, cuiners, researchers, món acadèmic and public institutions coincide in an endeavor to oppose realities, interests, charities and potentials. One of the objectives of the D * na Fòrum was to express the consistency of what is going to be said, the proposals that are going to be raised, the lines to explore and the debates that are going to be done. We have edited and published the conclusions that vam traure de cadascuna of the sessions and the set of the trobada.

The exceptional situation for which I am passing, due to the status of the alert for COVID-19, has not allowed, for the moment, for a public presentation of the document, but we cannot stop it from falling into the blank, neither the document nor the seu contingut, which I consider of great interest in the nova normalitat that is announced. But hem made the decision to make the publication, in PDF format, available to the entire citizenry of the Marina Alta. So sols cal fer the download from the website of the Office of Innovation and Creativity:

In the conclusions, not only is the vision of the speakers and the participants in the different sessions celebrated. Hi there is also evidence of threats to the tourist model, the food industry and agricultural production, the need for training and connection to the time of strategies and projects, and they are in white on black. from futur. It is certain that this is going to be raised in a moment different from the current one, and that none foresaw a health crisis so curt horitzó, but I believe that the conclusions, in a general sentiment, have eixit reforçades, they have more sentit i, in some cases, more urgency. The proximity, the recovery of the agrarian and country landscape, or the enhancement of the local values ​​are in totes, you look at the normality that you expect and desitgem.

In the D * na Forum it is going to pose of manifesto that we have resources and that we know what they are doing, just because the will of fer-ho is missing. Using an operational strategy will make it more difficult for tourism and gastronomy to fulfill the ètics, responsible and sustainability commitments that hem d'assumir per dinamitzar l'economia local.

It is also going to insist on the necessary coordination of actors and efforts, the importance of the people, the permanent innovation derived from the connection and the connection or the multidisciplinary vision, with the support of the Marina Alta of a heritage that is more important. within a bloom and a plats. És agriculture, branch, fishing, commerce, land management, food, cuina, health, legislation, economy, social inclusion, equal status of genre, crafts and industry, culture, tourism and education. From tot això it is going to speak to D * na Fòrum, from tot això parlen les conclusions that most society to all society.

Believe that these conclusions, but to be useful, have to be at the center of the reflection and in the prey of decisions, they must be different and posed to l'abast de tots. The debate is open, you know the one who talks and the one who can; the will will refer to it from d'ara.

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