
Malikian Ara, one of the attractions of the summer cultural program in Dénia

01 July 2015 - 13: 06

The culture councilor Rafa Carrió, has presented the cultural program for the months of July and August, which stands out for the extensive number of activities, and for «estar preparada tanto para los residentes de Dénia como para los turistas». Activities range from music and movies to street art and conferences.

One of the main activities will be the XVII Cantada d’HavaneresWhich will take place on Saturday July 18 in the port, from the 23: 00 hours. They participate, as is traditional, local Rondalla Vent, Pols i Pua where, oddly, he acts the same council Rafa Carrio, an event that this year will feature the participation of Mestre d'Aixa, From Vilassar de Mar.

Moreover, another important summer activities will be the new edition of Music Castell that this 2015 reaches its twenty-fourth anniversary. This year, unlike other editions, all concerts will be above the castle and none of them in the Plaza del Consell. It is worth noting the inclusion of one more concert. There will be, therefore, five actions that will take place on the 24 and 25 days of July, 1, 7 and 8 of August, all at the 23: 00 hours.

The poster is, as highlighted by the culture technician Maribel Font «variado, como todos los años» and will feature local, national and even international groups. The first concert will be the group El Pont d'ArcalísOf popular music in Catalonia, then there will be a flamenco performance by the Alfonso Losa company Flamenca. Already in August we will have the local commitment, which this year will be in charge of the group Dianense Dolç Tab Jazz. Finally, the last weekend fusion will be a concert by the Moroccan, Spanish and French group Frenchy Maraconnections and another concert of Portuguese fado performed by Maria Ceo, singer well known in his country. All concerts are free.

As a climax to the summer cultural program will have the XXVI International Music Week, Which this year is notable for the participation of the famous violinist Ara Malikian, to play along with José Luís Montón, on Wednesday August 19 to 20: 30 hours. Entrance to this concert, which will be at the Social Center, will be priced at 15 euros.

The other concerts will also be held here, will, first, that of Interprets Jovens de l'Agrupació Artística Musical Dénia, Free 18 August day, and it will serve to inaugurate the festival. Then two days later, there will be another star summer concerts, The Duo of Pianos Ivon and Ivet the Cuban Frontela Rico that will be priced at 10 euros.

The 21 day in August will be the performance of Dianense singer Carmen Paula Romero, accompanied by the pianist Carlos Budó, which will cost 6 euros. And finally, to conclude with the International Music Week, we will have the Chamber Orchestra Mediterranean Soloists directed by Miguel Ángel Rodilla, and that will feature trumpet solos by Rubén Simeó, one of the best trumpet players on the national scene today. This last concert will also be paid for 15 euros, and tickets for all concerts can be purchased at the Social Center box office on the same days from 18: 30 hours.

Finally, Font and Carrió have cited the rest of the activities that will be outdoors in three settings: les Bassetes, La Vía street and Punta del Raset beach. Les Bassetes will host musical performances and cinema on Wednesday nights; la Vía street, children's activities -on Tuesdays at 19:30 p.m.- and raset beach the Cine Vora Mar Sundays at 22 hours.

Soon we will know more information about other events such as the conferences on the Taifa of Dénia or the important Torrecremada Jazz Festival.

Maribel Font, culture technician has ensured that «todos los días hay algo de cultura en nuestra ciudad». Meanwhile, Rafa Carrió, newly appointed councilman of Culture, took the opportunity to acknowledge the work of the technical and advocate for continuity in the coming years, with similar programs and low-cost as the current one, «destaca por su variedad y también por su calidad».

For more information about events this summer you can consult Calendar of Events.

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