
Concha Ballester emotional tribute to the International Women's Day

09 March 2015 - 18: 37

Dozens of people attended the institutional act of International Women's Day in which Concha Ballester was honored, and none left without releasing a tear after the emotional words that addressed the honored six of their loved ones.

The act began with the reading of the Consell de la Dona manifesto by representatives of the Housewives Association; Matria, association of gifts; Association of North African women and their friends from the Marina Alta (Diyafa); Dénia Women's Center; Infodona and the associated center of the UNED in Dénia.

The manifesto recalled that equality has not yet been achieved and that there are two faces in the reality of women in the world: that of women for whom equality is a utopia and that of women who have achieved their rights and have left Invisibility behind

The tribute to Concha Ballester counted on the participation of its teacher, Joaquin Boscá, that dedicated a poem to him; The guitar teacher Cristina Martí, who was Concha's student; His niece Blanca, who could not contain the emotion when speaking of his aunt; Manuel González, who worked side by side in the stage of the Nautical Club of Concha; And his brother, Vicente Ballester, who dedicated the piece Cathedral, By Agustín Barrios.

Finally, as a surprise for the honoree, her husband, Josele Martin, took the floor to excite his wife and all the attendees, stating that the most intelligent thing he has ever done in life «es enamorarme de esta mujer y conquistar su corazón».

After receiving a metope of recognition from the mayor's office, Concha Ballester addressed some words to those present, especially remembering her brothers, Vicente and Chimo; His parents; his teacher, Joaquín Boscá; Agustín Moreno, promoter of the Regional School of Music, Singing and Ballet of Dénia, in which Ballester began working at 1983; her students throughout all these years of teaching and for her husband, Josele, and her daughter, Marián.

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