
The importance of walking every day

10 December 2014 - 13: 00

Chiropractic center

Cuando decimos «¡ve a dar un paseo!» No queremos ser groseros… en realidad, lo que intentamos decir es que caminar ¡es una actividad muy saludable para ti! Déjame explicarte por qué…

What are the benefits of walking? Here are some of the documented benefits of brisk walking for 30 minutes every day:

• Avoid 91% in cases of obesity and diabetes type 2.
• Avoid 50% in heart disease.
• Reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 60%.
• Reduces stress and prevents hormonal imbalances.
• Prevents osteoporosis and increases the formation of new bones
• Increase strength, flexibility and body balance.

Wow, I did not know that walking was so healthy! What drugs or what type of surgery you could compete with all these benefits? How much does a ride? How many people could enjoy a better quality of life with just a daily walk?

The authors of the scientific paper that highlighted the previously mentioned benefits, beyond when they talk about that exercise is a genetic requirement for all human beings; It is essential for good health and to prevent disease. They also tell us that chronic diseases associated with sedentary lifestyles are not the result of bad genes or poor function of pathological cells, but rather are due to genetically incongruous life style.

The end result: 1) have to do regular exercise to stay healthy and prevent disease, and 2) chronic diseases no genetic consequence, but an incorrect lifestyle.

So how does all this relate to chiropractic care? Well, very simple, our main objective is to improve the function of the nervous system and spine to help people feel good, both physically and emotionally and then we keep that good health throughout life. On the other hand, we also know that there are people who are not in condition to walk frequently, because of their physical condition, so we strive to achieve improvements in order to increase their physical activity. Thirdly, patients who walk more and sit less during the day tend to respond more quickly to treatment.

En esto radica el cuento… al igual que la quiropráctica, caminar es bueno para la columna vertebral y el sistema nervioso y el sistema nervioso controla su salud… así que, ¿por qué no «dar un paseo»?

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