
Elections in the Assembly Local Red Cross Dénia

22 October 2014 - 00: 00

On Saturday 25 October will take place at the headquarters of the Local Assembly of Red Cross Dénia, voting for the renewal of presidents and local committees. This is a democratic process that takes place every four years.

Local Assembly Red Cross Dénia

In the case of Dénia Local Assembly they are invited to participate a total of 876 people between partners and volunteers thereof, to vote for the Local Committee of Dénia. The voting hours will be from 10: 00 18 to: 00 hours in the Assembly of Red Cross Dénia.

The Electoral Census is publicly displayed at the Dénia Red Cross headquarters (C / Castell d'Olimbroi, 3). Members and volunteers can be informed by calling 965 78 13 58. The provisional list of candidates who have been presented to form the Local Committee along with their photograph can be found on the Red Cross bulletin board.

Election Day will begin at 9: 30 hours with the constitution of the polling stations. Voting will begin at 10 hours and will close at 18 hours. Half an hour later the minutes of the provisional ballot will be formalized and proceed to publication.

Red Cross aims to promote that both partners and volunteers and volunteers feel part of the institution and assume their responsibility to contribute to the development and strengthening of associations. In this way, members of the Red Cross can participate actively in decision-making through access to government bodies and advice and control of the institution, thus becoming a generator of initiatives and decisions.

In this way, the right of volunteers to participate in the formation of their governing bodies, exercising their right to vote or exercising their right to be candidates is recognized publicly. candidates to integrate the Local, District or Island Committees.

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