
Víctor Cardona leads the Parts Colón

05 September 2014 - 12: 12

For the first time Columbus Parts, based in the Valencian town of Sedavi team Dénia visit tomorrow. Not one of its emblem players, Víctor Cardona. Player who came to CD. Dénia Hand José Manuel Rielo, with Pepe Aroca coaching. He was one of the players who left a mark on the Dianense set for his enormous talent.

Víctor Cardona leader of Parts Colón

But the parts Columbus is not only the player but has a coach who has achieved many successes in the Valencia football. Alfonso Lopez Langa, a coach who last season won promotion with CF. Requena, to Third Division. Before he had reached with the Utiel.

Langa has brought together a great squad with the arrival of major players such as; Iván García, Cata, David Gil, Víctor Cardona and More, a striker who usually see counteracts goal very easily.

Like the Dianense club, it is chaired by a woman, Irene Alapont who has good financial support from the entity she commands. That is why, despite the fact that the team has changed the group II Preferential group III, the goal that have been set for this season is to play promotion promotion.

Colón parts reaching a set Dénia with the intention of taking the first three points. Very careful with the moves of strategy this team because it has real specialists.

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