
Bioimpedance, an effective method to control our body composion

26 March 2014 - 10: 59

The Analysis of Body Composition is an indispensable part in the assessment of the nutritional status of a person since, to determine the changes in body composition, it is very important in different situations. A nutritional study is not enough to weigh ourselves and talk about ideal weight. The definition of obesity based on the Body Mass Index (BMI), which only takes into account the height and weight, is insufficient as a diagnostic tool and as an evaluation element during the therapy of a weight problem.

Objective of a Body Composition Analysis

El objetivol análisis de composición corporal es cuantificar «in vivo» nuestros componentes corporales, las relaciones entre ellos así como las modificaciones asociadas a diversos factores. Ahora debemos determinar el porcentaje de grasa total y visceral, la masa magra y el agua corporal, entre otros parámetros. Para ello hay métodos que emplean aparatos como la Densitometría Radiológica, la Tomografía Computada, la Resonancia Magnética o la Impedancia Eléctrica o Bioimpedancia.

What is Bioimpedance?

Bioimpedance is a non-invasive, painless, effective and responsible study that is based on the application of an imperceptible alternating current, applied between the patient's hands and feet and measures the body's capacity to transport a certain amount of electrical energy. To the
Having biological properties different electrical properties, their behavior against the passage of this current can determine their nature and composition.

The study of Body Composition based on the technique of Bioimpedance allows to establish the percentage of fat mass (adipose tissue) and lean or fat-free mass (muscles, bones, organs) of a person, plus their basal metabolism to then establish the need to lose or gain weight, depending on each case.

Bioimpedance analysis of body composition Salut Verda

What is the use of knowing my Body Composition?

Knowing our body composition is important. Excess or lack of body fat or lean mass, as well as excess water, are of great help to be able to know in depth diseases such as overweight and obesity, eating disorders, problems of fluid retention in pathologies cardiac, renal or endocrinological, muscle loss with age or failures in growth and development.

We can gain or lose fat and minerals from bone or muscle as a result of disease, from eating too much or too little, from high-performance sports training or from psychiatric disorders related to food. All these changes
in the organism they can only be detected using a valid method of measuring the Body Composition, such as Bioimpedance, together with an adequate professional evaluation.

Know the body composition, very important for the well-being

The ideal weight is not for everyone

Although there is a close relationship between obesity and total body weight, errors can occur in the interpretation of measures of individuals with a large muscle mass such as bodybuilders or patients with important edema, in which the excess of
Weight is due to muscle or water and not to fat.

Fat-free mass is an active compartment metabolically and contains organs, bones, blood or muscle. In malnourished people or in eating disorders such as anorexia with loss of protein component, it is important to know the measure of lean mass. Older people also tend to lose lean mass and represent a large risk group of malnutrition, so their study is essential.

Determine visceral fat helps us in diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, acute myocardial infarction among others.
In Pediatrics, Bioimpedance can help to assess problems of growth disorders or help control childhood obesity.

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