
Aid to dependent people who never get

February 27 from 2014 - 00: 00

Unfortunately there are many types of diseases that make a person unable to fend for himself and have to depend on third parties. This situation is compounded by the current economic context, which means that many families have to take charge of medicines and the needs of a family member without receiving any type of income.

To solve these problems, the Conselleria de Bienstar Social offers benefits to dependent persons in order to guarantee a certain economic security for them and their families.

Dependent people Dénia

Benefits that do not arrive

The theory is very good, the fact is that the aid does not reach the people who request it in many cases and both sick and family members are waiting for money that does not arrive.

The benefits are granted by the Consell after making a series of requests and claiming a dependency status, but sometimes this entity takes more than 2 years to resolve the request.

This is the case that was discussed at the beginning of February in the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community. A family claimed the benefit of their mother, already deceased, without having ever been a beneficiary of a requested aid 2 years before. Apparently, the family of the woman, in a state of dependency, requested the help to the Conselleria in 2008 and, until the death of the lady, in 2010 they had not received a single euro.

How to act

Este que hemos contado es un caso entre los múltiples que existen en la Comunidad Valenciana y en Dénia pero hay maneras de poder hacerle frente. La Asociación Empresarial de Residencias y Servicios a Personas Dependientes de la Comunidad Valenciana (Aerte), recomienda a los solicitantes de las prestaciones a «que recurran a la justicia para salvaguardar sus derechos cuando la Conselleria de Bienestar les deniegue alguna petición». Al parecer, los datos demuestran que el 95% de los pleitos interpuestos por personas dependientes contra la administración son ganados.

In Dénia you can find Atentia, a group of companies specialized in providing services to people and companies that have been working for more than 20 years with their own methodology and proven experience years to help you care for dependents and seniors who need daily help.

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