
Marina closed 37 beds Health Internal Medicine

January 09 from 2014 - 00: 02

If 2013 ended with the news of the reopening of emergency in several towns in the region, begins with 2014 37 closing plant beds in internal medicine regional hospital, Managed by the company Marina Salud.

This is reported by Intersindical Salut Dénia, which «caos asistencial» this situation, that «empeorará la calidad de la asistencia sanitaria de los ciudadanos y ciudadanas de la Marina Alta«.

From Intersindical they denounce that in the last months they have closed 21 rooms of the surgical area, what has supposed of more than 70 hours for the income from urgencies; a wait that will increase with these new closed beds.

«Este tipo de acciones son el reflejo de la política que desde la Dirección de Recursos Humanos de Marina Salud se está llevando a cabo para ahorrar en las contrataciones de sustitutos para cubrir las bajas y las vacaciones de los trabajadores»Reported from the UDT. Workers are also affected by this closure as they will see again changed their schedules, «lo que imposibilita conciliar la vida laboral y familiar».

Marina Health Hospital

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  1. marinasalud says:

    Marina Health, clarifies that:

    . It is true that a plant is closed hospital, which has been done is split beds, in order to achieve greater resource efficiency.

    . The nonfunctioning beds available vary each day, depending on the demand for care.

    Below is a comparative table showing the number of operating beds and their occupation rate during the last semester of 2013 and the first 8 days of 2014.

    The average occupancy over the past six months has been the 88%, an index adjusted to international quality metrics.

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