
the Joia

Pare Pere, 72 See map
Monday through Friday from 9: 30 13 to: 30 and 17: 00 20 to: 30 hours. Saturday 9: 30 13 to: 30 hours.
Beauty, jewelry
Image: La Joia logo

The winner of this giveaway is... Laura Armell Perez. Congratulations and thanks to everybody for participating!

La Joia Jewelry is giving away a beautiful silver pendant with a silver chain for Mother's Day. To participate you must like the post and mention a friend in the comments.

Good luck to all participants!

You can see the rules of the draw here.

Buying jewelry and watches in Dénia has a name: La Joia
The sale of gold in Dénia, has a name: La Joia
Repair your jewelry in Dénia has a name: La Joia

Find the gift you are looking for at La Joia Jewelry. Jewelry, watches and all kinds of accessories that are very close to you. You also go to them to repair your jewelry in their artisan workshop.

Consult them to sell your gold, the transaction is free and without obligation. And as a novelty, you will find DUWARD watches, ideal for communion gifts.


Pare Pere, 72 -
  1. Moira says:

    Bad experience

    • Fran Jaen says:

      We do not know who you are and if you have been in our store, we think that if you have any problem, we are here to solve it, for almost 30 years that has been the policy of our company, to talk, solve and improve. Do not hesitate to contact us, we are a local business, it is what differentiates us from the big platforms, false accusations affect us a lot and the fact that you do not try to solve the problem when it arises and use the networks anonymously to Saying something you can't prove makes us feel powerless and helpless. GREETINGS.

  2. Andrea Pastor Mut says:

    I love it, it would be great

  3. Lola Martí Valls says:

    What a bonic tot !!! M'agrada moltíssim !!!

  4. Paula Romero says:

    I am a client of this jewelry and I love everything you have. .have if I'm lucky

  5. Enrique Jordan says:

    Undoubtedly the best jewelry in Denia, beautiful collections.

  6. Amalia says:

    Is it beautiful? If I were lucky, it would be my turn to give it to my son or my husband.

  7. Ricardo Beleña says:

    Very nice series of Giovani Amen Licastro
