
Social skills workshop for students of primary 6º

November 11 from 2013 - 00: 01

During this week, a total of 370 sixth grade students from the Dénia, Xara and Jesús Pobre colleges will participate in the IX Social Skills Workshop organized by the Department of Social Welfare.

This workshop, which aims to improve and develop competence and social skills preteens young to know how to relate and assert itself against the influences and peer pressure will be taught by the teacher at the Escola de Teatre Comarcal (ETC) Antonia Diaz.

Diaz will use the methodology dramatization as group participation, recreating alleged life situations.

Students and teachers agree that this methodology is "satisfactory and favors the active participation of students".

1 Comment
  1. remedies says:

    I would love to see video this activity, which I find very interesting to extend it to other cities. Thank you very much.
