
Amb. Female Children Dénia clearly won the Gandia (56-13)

23 October 2013 - 00: 00

They walked competitions IR league teams EMB. Dénia and truth be told could not do better, the team of category Ifemale child. A set that is drawn in 2 level, Group F.

The overall solvency dianenses won with his first league match before the Gandia by 56 to 13. A meeting was held at the Joan Fuster pavilionIn a great atmosphere.

This group of girls who heads Kike They showed a high level of play. At all times they were tucked into the match, leaving the rival jugadse all comfortable. The shock was soon sentenced, as the partial in the first four quarters was chilling, 33-0.

With everything decided the remaining four quarters were of greater control of game and especially of work. The dianenses could play comfortable and above all it served them to rehearse things that in other matches they can come very well.

At the end of the clash, the joy of the whole team was very large, and they had played a great game that will certainly take time to forget.
On the first day of league, in addition to this result 56 13 the following markers were given; CB.Tavernes 107, Bellreguard 33; Schools Esportives Ondara 21, EEM. Pedreguer 90. This indicates that teams have greater potential.

In this match the EMB. Dénia Inf. Femenino They played and scored; Arantxa (7), Ainara (14), Ainhoa ​​(12), Angie (4), Alba, Carla (6), Natalia (9), María Ferrando (2), María Barrero (2), Rita, Tamara, María Vengut and Claudia.

The second game for dianenses be performing on Sunday visit to the track Bellreguard.

Good debut for Children EMB.Dénia Fem.

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