
Born in Dénia the biggest baby in Spain

August 08 from 2013 - 00: 10

María Lorena Marín does not have 24 hours and it is a girl of record: born at dawn on Wednesday and weighed 7 6 August 20 kilos grams. It is the country born vaginally largest baby.

María Lorena Marín was born with 6 20 kilos grams

The little girl was born in the Denia hospital, and her mother, for whom she is the fourth baby, did not want epudural anesthesia. Maxime Marín, an Englishwoman of 40 years, and María Lorena, are in perfect health waiting to be discharged to go home, although María Lorena is under observation because, according to the head of pediatrician, Héctor Boix, "They are babies that should be watched the first hours of life because they usually lower their blood sugar. They are quite passive children who do not want to wake up or to feed."

Mother that her other three children "they were born with more than four kilos and a half"And he says it was a simple delivery. The delivery went smoothly: the 1 am down to delivery rooms, with an expansion that exceeded 4 centimeters, at 3: 40 was already fully dilated and around 5 am born little María Lorena.

María Lorena's family, the biggest baby in the country

The head of gynecology at Hospital de Dénia, Dr. Javier Rius, says "In 40 years of professional practice has never known any case of birth with that weight and by natural birth. We are all very satisfied with the work done."

Although there are other cases of macrosomic babies in Spain, María Lorena is the largest born without cesarean section.

María Lorena Marín after a few hours of birth

1 Comment
  1. María says:

    María Lorena is cute and will be the doll house.
    Your mother should control the sugar level because surely have gestational diabetes.
    Congratulations to the family and the mother recovers soon delivery.
