
More than 35.000 people visit the VI Dénia Boat Show

May 14 from 2013 - 00: 05

To change date format change, the VI Dénia Boat Show closed its doors leaving very dissappointed both the organization and the participants. More than 35.000 people visited between the 1 and 5 May, marina facilities Marina de Denia where it is already the second largest in the country after Barcelona boat show.

Gabriel Martínez, director Marina de Denia, the objective was fulfilled «mostrar las posibilidades del turismo náutico como una importante fuente de riqueza y de empleo. Además de ser una apuesta para facilitar la venta y la promoción a las empresas náuticas, nos estamos esforzando al máximo para que la náutica se convierta en una realidad social».

The 25 nautical companies involved have already confirmed their presence at the next edition have since checked the growing interest of a largely foreign audience for buying and selling boats.

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