
L'Escoleta Municipal

17 June 2019 - 11: 44

The Escoleta Municipal de Dénia is a center located on a plot of 1.000 square meters in the area of ​​La Pedrera, currently managed by the company cant.


The building in which is located the Municipal Escoleta has five separate classrooms, two large playgrounds and extensive landscaped area.

They also have dining room with kitchen and a large garden where children learn to plant and care for vegetables.

Municipal Escoleta is open all year and during holiday periods offers kindergarten service and extracurricular activities. They also carry out various environmental projects and have a specialist teacher in English.

L'Escoleta municipal

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  1. Sandra says:

    I would like to know your email, I am early childhood educator and would like to send my CV.

    Thank you very much

  2. vicky says:

    It would be nice to know if you are a fan of the school for the 5 year olds ………

  3. Marivi says:

    I wonder when they open enrollment period. Thank you
