
Interview with Mercedes Perles, author of "The Angel of Destruction"

12 September 2010 - 22: 19

In an age where it seems that the economic crisis affects us all in many aspects of our daily lives, it is rewarding to find people who, despite everything, still fighting for his dream.

In the case of Mercedes Perles Ortolà a Dianense that you are struggling to get yours: Post "The Angel of Destruction", A novel that comes to light after a hard process that has been the author herself, without the support of any publishing house, which was responsible for layout, printing and distribution.

We met her at a downtown bar Dénia to talk to us about this adventure that has been submerged, and the first thing we noticed is his enthusiasm for this project move forward.

Mercedes Perles Ortolá 2

How it all begins?

Mercedes has always written, although anyone around knew his fondness for writing. Unfortunately, last summer a very close relative died, his uncle Mingo Ortolà, and after his death, Mercedes realized she had done many things simply because he wanted to, without expecting anything in return. This gave him a lot to think about, and many sleepless nights in which he began writing what would become his first novel: The Angel of Destruction, A story that the author has in mind from the 17 years.

The Angel of Destruction It is a romantic great- book that tells the story of Chris, a mixture of demon and vampire that feeds on blood and light (the human body consists of -the blood nourishes the body- and soul-fueled by the light- ), and Kara, a windbreaker conceived in a test tube genetically altered genetic material it, capable of killing anyone is present ahead. Including him. Kara 14 has spent years mired in pain, prohibiting remember and refusing to forget the moment that Chris disappeared from his life.

However The Angel of Destruction It is not just a book. It is the second part of a series of four books that come to light or yes. Depending on the progress of sales, they will sell for libraries or posted on the Internet, but the reader will not stay without knowing how the story goes.

Home Angel of Destruction 2 Cover Angel of Destruction 2

But one thing is writing the book, and quite another finding publishers willing to bet on new values. "It does not fit our editorial line", "Right now we have excess manuscripts" ... are some of the ways in which publishers said "no" to the publication of The Angel of Destruction. So Mercedes decided to publish the novel at your own risk. Her husband and daughter, together with his stubbornness, have been instrumental when trying to move on with the adventure.

Fortunately, Mercedes has found a lot of help along the way: The Green Gel Pen It is a story similar to the one she is living. Its author, Eloy Moreno, has managed to sell 2.400 copies after taking care of all the processes personally, and in it Mercedes has found, in addition to a great writer, a support and a counselor when it comes to launching the project.

Before starting the adventure of publishing his book, Mercedes opted for new technologies. He put the story on a website where readers could buy it, and moved a lot in social networks, especially Facebook-, where half the world people have contacted her being interested in the novel.

No one knew of his surroundings had written a book, and it was not until the moment he hung up for the first time on the internet, when cover in hand, made his "debut" to his family. And support was inevitable and also an impulse to move forward with the project. But not only his family, dianenses -ExLibris libraries, Llibrería La Mar and Publics- will have shown their support to sell the novel.

Mercedes Perles Ortolá

Mercedes is considered a chaotic reader, and his hands have passed all kinds of books, from Jane Austen Vazquez Figueroa. And as a writer, defined as novel and romantic, which is aimed at a broad audience.

Today he has many projects in mind: the first, writing the rest of the story in three more volumes. But not only that: currently he is writing a novel halfway with a friend from Burgos.

The question of what the future is palpable, but also the illusion before this adventure is great. At the end of the day, as Mercedes says, "It's a risk, an adventure ... but it's my dream"

The Angel of Destruction you can already find in bookstores Dénia: Ex Libris, Llibrería La Mar, Publics and Casa Sancho, and in some bookstores in the region (Jávea: Store gomets and Gata: Paperwork-bookstore Maite)

Leave a comment
  1. Loky says:

    I hope you get away. Your novel has a great pint, unfortunately my pocket can not afford to buy anything else, and less on these dates. But write it down and see if I can get my hands on that looks like a great novel.
    I send my support.

  2. The angel of destruction says:

    Hello mate Mexico. Of course you can contact me. It's very simple. On Facebook, the book has its own profile (Angel of Destruction). Send me a request and I will be delighted to chat with you. A huge hug from Spain

  3. Mercedes Hello !!! says:

    I'm from Mexico and therefore probably also have to take the same path as you. I'd love to be able to contact you. I hope you can and have time.

  4. Tami says:

    you're so bad, you know ??? Well, after you put it as well, we will continue hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder. Besotes.

  5. Mercedes Perles Ortolá says:

    Thanks Isa. You know, if you like, recomiéndala, talk about it, gift it and leave your opinion on Facebook, profile book (Angel of Destruction). A big kiss.

    • Eva says:

      Hello my friend Mercedes has loved your book the angel of destruction so please continuation as it can get this in Asquas.

  6. Isa says:

    Congratulations Mercedes ... go ahead with your illusion, the other day being in Ex Libris, you came in with your books and I bought you one, I am really enjoying it.
    A abrazo.

  7. Mercedes Perles Ortolá says:

    Heartfelt thanks for your support. Especially you Celia. A huge big kiss.
