
Raquel Martí, director of the UNED, presents his project for the Associated Center

19 December 2012 - 00: 00

Doña Raquel Martí Signes appeared yesterday as the new director of the UNED after her appointment last November's 19.
In his appearance, Martí highlighted the Center's commitment to its social and economic environment and presented his project, which involves UNED having "commitment and involvement with society." To achieve this, Martí wants to launch cooperation instruments with the different administrations.

On the other hand, Martí appreciates the role of the Institutions that from the Board maintain their strong support to the Associated Center. Support that has translated in an increase of the alumnado the last years.

Martí believes that in the current economic environment, the role of education as an element of social mobility acquires a relevance that must be highlighted and strengthened. To do this, the Associated Center of the Uned de Denia will begin to implement, even more if possible, training activities at all levels and as a novelty to encourage research and cooperation with other actors
of our environment.

Raquel Martí

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