
Solidarity gathering food for the poorest families in Dénia

August 17 from 2012 - 00: 00

Mañana sábado, en horario de mañana y tarde, miembros de la Iglesia Evangélica Bautista «La Trinidad» de Dénia instalarán un puesto de recogida de alimentos en las puertas de un conocido hipermercado situado en la Avenida Miguel Hernández para recoger las aportaciones desinteresadas de los ciudadanos que deseen colaborar, y que irán destinadas a que las familias más desfavorecidas de Dénia puedan acceder a comida.

Last Saturday, the same action, carried out in another part of the city, managed to collect 1.500 kilos and 410 liters of non-perishable food that have managed to help 50 families at the rate of 15 kilos per family.

The Evangelical Baptist Church of Denia develops food and clothing distribution programs every Tuesday afternoon at the church headquarters on Patricio Ferrándiz Street. In addition, from Monday to Friday, food service is provided through the Social Dining Room for people who do not have resources.

Collective food collection in Dénia

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  1. Mercedes says:

    I have several boxes of medicines in my house for my heart, cholesterol, since they have changed my medication and they are no longer useful.

    And they are:
    Valsartan 80mg / 12,5 mg
    Allopurinol 100 mg
    Valsartan 160 mg
    Adiro 300 mg
    Allopurinol 300 mg

    I have read in Las Provincias that they collect medicines. Are you interested?

    Tell me where I have to take them.

    Mercedes García
