
Urbajove 2023: Dénia programs dozens of activities for young people aged 12 and 30

Start date: March 24th 2023
Finish date: April 01th 2023
Event type: Other events
Event finished

The Department of Youth has organized a new edition of Urbajove. This year, the plan has been filled with new activities to celebrate the drafting and approval of the I Youth Plan for Dénia, la Xara and Jesús Pobre.

The implementation of this plan, which aims to improve public policies related to young people and their inclusion in the agenda and public debate, has inspired, according to comments from the Department, a set of leisure activities for young people between 12 and 30 years old completely free, located, for the most part, in the Joventut facilities (Ronda de las Murallas, 42).

Urbajove 2023 Program

The rap workshop will help attendees learn the entire process behind musical creation; from the composition of a song and its recording, to the making of a video clip. The culmination of the workshop will be the presentation of the songs at a concert on April 1 in the Plaza del Consell. You will have to formalize the registration in the following link.

The order of the classes is as follows:

  • Winners will be announced in March: from 17:00 p.m. to 18:30 p.m. (1st session) Musical production
  • Winners will be announced in March: from 17:00 p.m. to 18:30 p.m. (2nd session) Composition of the song
  • Winners will be announced in March: from 16:00 p.m. to 18:30 p.m. (3rd session) Recording of the song
  • Winners will be announced in March: from 17:00 p.m. to 18:30 p.m. (4th session) Recording of the video clip
  • Winners will be announced in March: a las 18:30 horas tendrá lugar el ‘Fòrum Jove: Di la tuya!!’, donde se resumirán los principales puntos del I Pla Jove del municipio.

The forum is designed so that the young people of Dénia, Xara and Jesús Pobre can make their contributions and suggestions in relation to the plan, with a view to writing the next ones. In addition, participation will be rewarded with a commemorative gift.

    the same afternoon of Winners will be announced in March, a las 20:00 horas, se desarrollará el taller de música corporal ‘Explosión Rrrítmica’, que busca la creación de música de una forma innovadora, con formas que no sean las habituales. Para acudir, será necesario realizar una preinscripción en el following link.

    April 1At 11:00 in the morning, a master class in urban dance is scheduled, taught by a body of 4 expert dancers. Students and teachers will create a choreography that they will present at the exhibition, which will be held in the afternoon (17:30 p.m., in the Plaza del Consell). It is necessary to formalize the registration in the following Web address.

    For those who are enthusiastic about cooking, or for those who wish to learn to cook, at 13:00 p.m., dietitian and nutritionist Gloria Baydal Martí will give a workshop for interested young people. Pre-registration will take place at use this form.

    After lunch, at 15:00 p.m., the Joventut facilities will be set up to make an after-dinner possible so that young people can relax and have a good time with friends. Later, at 17:30 p.m., you can enjoy the performances of the students of the urban dance workshop, accompanied by the teacher of the Llunàtics courses, Paula Domínguez. In addition, the company Inefable Producciones will perform -with Amín Saéz and Iván Aledo- and the students of the academies Patricia Sentí and Babylon.

    At 19:00 p.m., the program full of Dénia Jove activities will take place, as every Saturday. To close the Urbajove 2023 program, a rap music concert will be held in the Plaza del Consell, open to the public, at 22:00 p.m. You can enjoy the performance of Barbé and the local artist, Yeray037, who will interpret a song composed for the occasion. In addition, the people attending the rap and audiovisual workshop will perform their creations live.

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  1. Luis says:

    Is that the program for "young people up to 30 years old"? At 30, many are already parents with their family responsibilities, self-employed, have companies and are put in the same package as 12-year-old pre-adolescents?
