
Registration for the A2 title of English for the unemployed in Creama-Dénia is open

January 19 from 2023 - 13: 46

Creama-Dénia has made public the offer of 12 places for the free English course level A2 (basic) for unemployed people.

The training will take place between January 30 and April 5, with a schedule from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The objective of the dates is to train students for the recruitment campaign for Easter and summer. This course will consist of 190 hours (150 of English and 40 as part of the transversal modules of the Labora courses -entrepreneurship, active job search, training in Equality and skills in the environment and environmental quality-). This initiative has been financed by Labora with a financial aid of 11.286 euros.

In 2021, an A1 level English course (basic level) was offered for those people who had never studied the language. The following year, English B1 classes (intermediate level) were taught. The objective of these classes, as commented from Creama-Dénia, is to improve the linguistic competence in English of the people who participate to increase their chances of employability. Specifically, in the case of level A2, the aim is to train students to use English adequately and effectively, so that they are able to understand, express themselves and interact, both in spoken and written form, in everyday situations that require understanding and producing. short texts.

Registration for the course is done in Labora (digitally or in person); In this, the relevant documentation will be provided and a level exam will have to be passed to demonstrate the skills in the language.

1 Comment
  1. Vicente says:

    How do I sign up? A phone or link. Thanks !!
