
The IES Sorts de la Mar de Dénia announces its Cultural and Sustainable Garden project

12 2022 April - 12: 19

The IES Sorts del Mar de Dénia has started, this 2021-2022 academic year, a high-flying project: the Cultural and Sustainable Garden. A multi-year educational and center innovation project, coordinated by the director Isa Monserrat and the administration and management professor Imma Navarro, for which they have received a grant from the General Directorate of Research and Educational Innovation of the Generalitat Valenciana.

En este proyecto participa toda la comunidad educativa: alumnado, profesorado, personal no docente, madres y padres; pero desde el centro educativo invitan a todos los dianenses y visitantes a colaborar como instituciones, vecindario, empresas…

The execution of the landscaping is carried out by the students of Agrogardening and Floral Compositions, directed by the professors of the agrarian department, Antònia Romero, Vero Crespo and Salva Costa.

The zoning of the space of about 2.000 m2, previously vacant, and the new landscaping have been conceived as an educational and exhibition tool that allows a multidisciplinary use by the center, always from a double cultural and historical perspective.

The execution is until the 2022-2023 academic year, but from the IES they intend to continue it and implement it from year to year. The garden will speak for itself, supported by explanatory panels: QR codes with writers and audios in various languages.

Todos los departamentos elaboran materiales didácticos (guías turística y botánica, vídeos, visita virtual, murales y textos) y plantean actividades culturales, lúdicas y educativas (visitas guiadas, teatro, poesía, música, demostraciones matemáticas…). Con el cielo de Dénia, la idea es hacer del jardín un gran aulario al raso, con the Montgo as a backdrop.

This year we have worked in two areas:

  • 1.«The Spaces of Knowledge»: Arriving at the west wing of the building, a succession of parterres separated by some shaded patches has been planned, intended as resting, reading and meeting points, created to favor dialogue and coexistence in small groups. As in the entire garden, the vegetation has been chosen in coherence with the new landscaping and with the sustainability criteria.
  • The Clarian of the Presocratics, dedicated to the initiators of the philosophical study of Physis (nature).
  • Replaceta of Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict, representatives of feminist anthropology, were a couple and fought for a more just and egalitarian society. Gender-free space, representative of the LGBTI community.
  • Replaceta Olympe de Gouges, enlightened philosopher and freethinker, pioneer of feminism and supporter of abolishing slavery. Space reserved for the feminist movement and for making Punt lila.
  • Replaceta Victoria Camps, doctor of philosophy, professor of ethics and philosophy of Moral and Political Law, an example of social involvement and application of philosophy in daily praxis. Dedicated to NGOs and solidarity initiatives.
  • Replaceta Bertrand Russell, mathematician and philosopher gold defense of human rights. He won the Nobel Prize for literature "in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he defends humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought." Due to its size and accessibility, it is dedicated to a space for diversity and a meeting point for students with SEN.
  • “The Historical Garden of Les Sorts de la Mar”: The garden becomes a living museum or agricultural eco - museum , where you can go chronologically through the historical landscapes of the agricultural area of ​​Sorts de la Mar over the last two thousand years . We have created flower beds for the natural space and the historical agricultural space.
  • El Bosque Mediterráneo de carrascas , la Maquia y la Garriga de coscojas y palmito; y el Bosque de Ribera, con chopos, álamos, flejes… dan cuenta de la diversidad del espacio no antropizado.
  • Camp Romà, with olive trees and Monastrell vines, where we will plant cereal, will represent the Mediterranean trilogy established in ancient times.
  • The Andalusian Garden, with a pomegranate cypress, citrus, hemp and myrtle like the ones in the Andalusian riads or garden gardens, like the ones that are found right here in the palaces and in the rafales of the Daniya medina.
  • In the Camp Valencià, where an agricultural landscape of the Valencian coastal dry land from the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries is reconstructed, with almond trees and muscatel vines.
  • The Richness of the Raisin, here the landscape of Les Sorts de la Mar will be revived, planted with muscatel vines to make raisins and two carob trees. It is complemented by a sequí with the scalding oven and a space for laughter. The objective is to make our pass each year at a Festival of the Scaldan, within the educational offer of the center for our school community and for those who want to share it with us and visit us.

From the IES Les Sorts de la Mar they want to publicize the project and encourage them to participate in it. So far they have selflessly collaborated: the Dénia City Council, the Dénia Local Police, the Jesús Pobre “Les Freses” winery, the Montgó Natural Park, the Riuraus Route, the Jesús Pobre Faempal SL Neighborhood Association of Pego , Feliu SL from Pego, the Cultural Association Atzaïla from Pego and Nature Garden SL from Dénia.

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