
La Sella Golf advances towards a more sustainable model

11 2022 April - 10: 48

La Sella Golf, in the progress towards a more sustainable model of this sports facility and, in collaboration with the Dianense association The Isjborn Collective, an NGO made up of a group of professionals committed to Environmental Sustainability, Climate Emergency and Nature Protection, have organized training events during the months of March and April for their team and their youngest players.

The first day of training came from the hand of the Dr. Miguel Rodilla, de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Profesor del Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Medio Ambiente e Investigador del Instituto para la Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras (IGIC) por ayudar al staff de La Sella a «ver» el proceso circular necesario para los productos, para ser más sostenibles en su trabajo.

Promote sustainability in the performance of professional activity and personal habits. Stimulate and promote awareness and environmental education in our environment. Incorporate and promote environmental ethics in the performance of the profession. Promote responsible consumption, always choosing the most sustainable options. Minimize the use of plastic materials, radically eliminating single-use ones. Reduce your own carbon footprint as much as possible, helping to offset the climate emergency. Always ensure the environmental health of the seas and oceans, promoting respect and responsibility in their use. And protect the environmental legacy that we leave to the following generations, as the only guarantee of the future for Humanity.

In this sense, La Sella Golf has completely reformed its agronomy and now has a more modern and efficient irrigation installation, watered by residual water from the Ondara treatment plant. And it has proceeded over the last three years, to change the grass and part of the landscaping, in favor of less use of water and phytosanitary products.

The second day has been dedicated to the youngest members of the club, the junior players of the Golf Academy, to whom on Saturday, April 9, an interactive day was dedicated with a contest on "the long journey" that the garbage and especially the plastics that we throw away and end up in the sea. Surprisingly, the children gave good ideas on what to do to reduce, recycle and reuse, which were the three premises that we tried to teach them.

Mara Bañó, representante del club comentó que “el concepto CALIDAD representa una forma de hacer las cosas en las que, fundamentalmente, predominan la preocupación por satisfacer al cliente y por mejorar procesos y resultados. Pero la Calidad también ha de ser «Calidad Ambiental» y «Responsabilidad social», favoreciendo nuestras mejores prácticas como trabajadores.”

Sento Hernández, director of The Isjborn Collective, commented “it is going to be a great challenge to carry out these conferences and gradually be able to improve the processes towards more sustainable practices, especially from the smallest, who have an enormous capacity to internalize the good practices."

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