
«I promised that he would come out on his own foot»: from tamping the first roads of Dénia to a symbol of its industrial archeology

01 2022 April - 12: 32

It is one of the most famous restoration works and that, after months of misfortunes, has finally been able to be presented in Dénia. The first steamroller Marina Alta It is already part of the Bosc de Diana to immortalize this unprecedented industrial architecture recovery project.

It's not just another steamroller. It is La Apisadora, the first machine of this type that came to the region, specifically to the Trade Union Brotherhood of Farmers and Ranchers of Dénia, in 1960. Thanks to it, the first agricultural roads in the municipality were worked to allow farmers to collect oranges that they would later sell in the market and create what has become today the urbanized street map that we know.

The steamroller, by the French company Richter, cost 492.900 pesetas (which would come to €2.962 without counting inflation). A money well invested considering his work and that still starts 60 years later.

The machine that has passed through the hands of different generations

Es una máquina que ha pasado por varias rehabilitaciones, culminando con la definitiva para simbolizar la importancia de la Formación Profesional. Los alumnos y profesorado del Maria Ibars del grado de Transporte y Mantenimiento de Vehículos se hicieron cargo en 2018 de acoger este «fósil» tras proponer ASETRAMA al Ayuntamiento su restauración. El director del centro en aquel momento, Josep Antoni Server, al verla lo primero que pensó fue un «pobre máquina. ¡Cómo está!». No obstante, acto seguido cogió las riendas y se hizo una promesa: «La máquina saldrá por su propio pie».

A symbol of the value of vocational training

The works were followed by professional training centers throughout Spain and a large part of Europe. It was a unique project, as it allowed students to learn from a piece of their town's history.

The head of the department to which the module belongs, Noel Barber, in fact, was already part of a previous restoration in the mid-80s carried out by the students of the old FP institute. "Finally, the day has come," he said this morning when he appeared before the neighbors from his new home, the Bosc de Diana, where it has become a monument to symbolize the importance of professional training and the industrial history of the city.

And yes, as the then director expected, the Richter toured the streets of Dénia one last time, leaving the María Ibars on her own feet to her last destination. She's been rehabbed outside of her, but in case anyone is wondering if she still starts: yes, she starts.

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  1. maurand.alain says:

    Bravo pour cette magnifique restoration. Mon oncle travaillait à l'entreprise Richier à Lyon il fabriqué cette machine.

  2. Michael Bonds says:

    This is Fernando Ribes, a roof would come in handy and a protective fence. I also thank all those who achieved it and I congratulate them for this excellent decision.

  3. Germán says:

    I remembered that I was studying at the antic institut de FP vorela al pati interior per fer-li a rehabititació per els alumnes d'automició. She li varen review the engine i li glued a paint handle.

  4. Fernando Ribes-Correa says:

    Beautiful machine, but out in the open it gets damaged, it should be taken care of and started every month.
