
Jordi Ripoll del Dénia Corre wins the Volta a Peu a Gata

16 March 2022 - 07: 28

This past weekend the third test of the Circuit a Peu took place Marina Alta. The protagonist was the population of Gata de Gorgos with a new route that passed through uneven terrain. Jordi Ripoll, from Dénia Corre, was the best of the absolute test. Also on the podium from the Dianense club were Moha Rida Younes, Víctor Manuel Fernández and Anna Berglind.

With this third test of the Circuit, Dénia Corre consolidates itself as the team leader with a score of 40.959. In the category of women's clubs, the Dianense club occupies the fourth position.

The time of each of the Dénia Corre athletes who participated in the Volta a Peu de Gata were the following:

Jordi Ripoll Ramirez (0:30:43), Mohamed Rida Younes Chelloubi (0:33:59), Juanra Pozos Pérez (0:33:52), Víctor Manuel Fernández García (0:34:24), Adrian Adri (0 :34:37), Vicent López Ferreres (0:34:45), José Manuel Díaz Fernández (0:36:17), Miguel Ángel Martínez Messaabi (0:36:21), Juan Carlos González Fontanet (0:37:11), Anna Berglind Palmadottir (0:38:15), Eduardo Pla Broscheit (0:38:51), José Miguel Navarro Rafet (0:38:54), Ricardo Calatayud Castelló (0:39:23), Santi Cambra Sancho (0:40:49), Javier Seguí Gil (0:41 :03), Gustavo Crespo Garcia (0:41:39), Martí Sifre Pont (0:41:22), Raúl Fornali Needles (0:41:56), Pedro Puigcerver Collado (0:42:09), Javier Carrió Colomer (0:42:35), Manuel Martínez Luque (0:42:51), Mariona Valor Segura (0:44:47), Alfonso Rodrigo Valencia (0:44:09), Daniel Garrigós Femenia (0:45: 31), Sindo Abellán Moreno (0:46:17), Pepe Domenech Mahiques (0:45:52), Miguel Estrela Catala (0:46:52), Yolanda Sendra Sanchez (0:47:26), Christina Mallett ( 0:47:42), Miguel Almudever Arevalo (0:47:41), Carlos Sánchez Sau (0:46:46), José Francisco García Santacreu (0:46:51), Bienve De Cruz Gamarra (0:47: 29), Eduardo Morón Gallego (0:47:54), Pedro Vicente Soler Vallés (0:47:55), Yolanda Gomez Gordillo (0:47:54), Fàtima Moll Cervera (0:48:38), José David Molina Fuster (0:49:27), Miguel De Cruz Gamarra (0:49:17), Laurence Rastell (0:49:10), mayca Room García (0:50:23), José Francisco Escortell Oliver (0:49:55), Alonso Puigcerver Devesa (0:49:48), Alex Turksema (0:49:47), José Lozano Moya (0:49: 49), Juan Alberto Garcia De La Reina J (0:50:42), Juan Pablo Uribe Carmona (0:51:24), Marisa Marco Marti (0:53:13), Estefanía Martí Sánchez (0:52:57 ), Pedro Vicente Fornali Agujas (0:53:41), Daniel Vidal Valero (0:53:14), Ana Sus Castell (0:55:53), Javier De La Encina Vázquez (0:55:40), Maria Josep Ripoll Berenguer (0:54:37), David Martos Martín (0:56:23), Inma Ballester Mata (0:56:22), Encarna Gil Martínez (0:56:23), Pepi Gómez García (0:58: 01), Miguel Ripoll Sevillano (0:57:17), Marc Bañuls Ortolà (0:57:02), José Antonio Bañuls Pedro (0:57:26), Tomas Hidalgo Iturralde (0:58:36), Antonia Chornet Mestre (0:59:01), David Ferragud Mas (0:59:24), Borja Ruiz Alonso (0:59:24), José Miguel Carpi Sesé (1:02:28) and Joanmi Rafet Soriano (1:03 :16).

Perimeter Benissa

On the other hand, on Saturday morning the Perimetral was held in Benissa where we also had a good representation. In the Marathon distance participated:

Ricard Pérez Miñana (04:58:30), Alberto Samper Corbí (04:59:14), Marc Bañuls (05:17:22), Miguel Donderis (5:39:15) and Rodrigo Moyano Rueda (06:03: 00).

In the distance of 23 kilometers participated: José Francisco García Santacreu (02:43:59), Miguel Ángel Ferrer Ferrando (03:23:27) and Ibon Artabe Olea (03:38:59).

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