
The final vote of the Participatory Budgets to acquire the convent of Jesús Pobre is open

14 September 2021 - 15: 58

This Tuesday, September 14, the final phase of the voting of the projects submitted to the Participatory Budgets of the Generalitat has opened. The City Council of Dénia and the EATIM of Jesús Pobre joined the citizen initiative of the Association of Neighbors and Neighbors of Jesús Pobre, which presented to the call, within the regional projects (Central Regions), the purchase of the convent by Jesús Pobre.

The two city councils want to join the neighborhood proposal by disseminating the project and encouraging citizens to vote for the Generalitat to finance the acquisition with 1.500.000 euros.

The objective is to acquire this patrimonial asset, at this point of private ownership, to guarantee its protection and enhancement and its use open to the public and citizens of Jesús Pobre and the region as a cultural facility.

El inmueble es original del siglo XVIII y de titularidad privada desde el proceso de desamortización de los bienes eclesiásticos del s. XIX. En este momento se da la circunstancia de que los últimos propietarios, que la han habitado y conservado durante muchos años, la han puesto a la venta. «Una oportunidad histórica de recuperar el convento y convertirlo en centro cultural comarcal», ha destacado el alcalde de la EATIM, Javier Scotto.

The voting phase ends on September 30. You can vote by entering the GVA Participate page, being this is the direct link of the project .

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  1. Pau (FR) says:

    There will be PUBLIC money (1 euros) to buy back the convent of Jesús Pobre.

    Well, well, we citizens of Denia visit the Jesús Pobre every week at least twice all, sometimes and more, now that it will be converted into a cultural building we will go every day.
    So it is very important first level.
    (irony off)

    But for the repurchase of land now already awarded to works on future apartments in Las Marinas, and also for the mansion that was thrown away yesterday in Las Rotas for the same purpose, there is none.

    So why is one so interested, and not the other?

    Can someone responsible for the Consistory answer it?

    Or rather is the mayor of the EATIM interested in his own glory, like the famous bench in the Plaza de Tenor Cortís where now, at most, doves shit?

    Things that don't add up.
