
Neighbors of Dénia attack the installation of the fairground in a residential area

21 July 2021 - 16: 45

Dozens of residents of Avenida Miguel Hernández and its surroundings have come together to show their discomfort at the new location of the Dénia amusement fair. After nearly 20 years taking place on the esplanade of the Port of Dénia, the fair has changed, this summer, its location, specifically to a private plot on Avenida Miguel Hernández surrounded by houses.

The beginning of the assembly of some attractions has caused, for a few days, great discomfort among the residents of the area, who have come together to file a joint complaint with the municipal administration. The neighbors point out that "the noise (decibel level) caused by the fair and the schedule of this activity together is incompatible with rest, and settling in an area surrounded by homes is unfeasible."

In fact, from the City Council itself, which has nothing to do with this celebration, they confirm that the activity license requested by the fairgrounds, as of today, is not granted. Municipal sources state that the license application had various deficiencies that at noon this Wednesday had not yet been corrected.

Likewise, the same sources of the consistory have insisted that the installation of the fair is private, carried out by the showmen themselves, who a few weeks ago, before the impossibility of re-setting up their businesses on the port breakwater the transfer of a municipal parcel to the City Council, a request that was denied so they looked for the alternative of a private property.

From the Dianense City Council they clarify that in case of finally complying with all the requirements set for the granting of the license, it will be controlled that all the regulations and marked measures are met.

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  1. Ana says:

    That they put it in front of the Ibars, there is an escape, I say when crossing Ibars street behind Patricio street ... Let them be left to clean it and thus make that area beautiful there would be parking and it would be larger without disturbing anyone. and departure to Mercadona if Mercadona wants to sell so much… There is a new car park that overlooks El Federico and everyone is happy to walk from the fair to the marina, hippie walk and restaurants in general, fixed wing and I'm not so smart.

  2. Jose Miguel Lopez Perello says:

    People have no idea what they say if they have ridden there is because the town council gave the go-ahead and where the owner of the silar was assembled every summer, and all because he says he will continue building to make it a zina of leisure and he has been saying it for years and he has not started doing anything, the fairgrounds have to hang out somewhere and be able to earn money and there are measures for decibels etc.

  3. Fernando says:

    Good morning, a little over a year ago I bought a home in the area where the fair is going to be held, I liked the area for the tranquility, my intention is or was to come and live all year.
    I have nothing against fairgrounds, far from it, but it "smells like a political scam" that they put this activity in a residential area, removing it from the location it used to be, which was an ideal area where there is already
    leisure activities and away from residential homes.
    I do not belong to any political party and when I vote I try to vote for honest politicians who have common sense, regardless of whether they are from the left, right or center.
    I hope they rectify the decision, rectifying is wise. But if they are already setting up the fair it is that they have the approval of either in writing or verbally from the town hall. I hope I'm wrong… common sense !!
    Many Thanks

  4. Lorena says:

    Mr. Grimalt: you authorize the fair in front of your house, I will not oppose it.

    • Juan says:

      It is the area with the most traffic in Denia. Attached to some of the Mercadonas with the highest sales volume in Spain.
      Mr Grimalt: you know the inconvenience it will create for the neighbors. Do you remember the Covid? You already know traffic jams, he seems determined to take on the warm life of the Dianenses. If even the Consellers de la Generalitat, from his party, say that without public transport you cannot pedestrianize.
      And you pull, to your interest, to Fuck the day to day of the Denia families.

  5. Juan says:

    I have no interest or it affects me in anything but out of empathy it is incredibly ridiculous that the city council is considering giving permission for that in that area. What country do we live in? Go there are no open areas without disturbing anyone out there ... Anyway

  6. Pere says:

    Well I do not understand why the City Council does not authorize where always. How bad is that of the absolute majorities. It has gone to their heads.

  7. Luis says:

    They cannot control the decibel level of the facilities because it is what it is. Machinery, thunderous music and people screaming using the facilities. All because of the greed of the Buigues, owners of the land and the corresponding servants they have within the City Council. The fairgrounds need to work that is understandable but that location is a huge mistake. These types of facilities are for the enjoyment of the population, not for torture.

    • Ivan says:

      In Gandía it is done without music.

      • Luis says:

        What about the "silent" machinery of the attractions plus people enjoying the facilities in respectful silence and talking in whispers? Do they use eco-friendly cars, technology or sound, or horn and do not park in any hole if not that the car can be folded and put in the bag next to the mask? Come on man .. Let them mount it on another plot of land. Buigues the one that this family has right next to their house or in their garden.

        • Xavi says:

          Very good your comment.

          Anyway, the most irritating thing about the fairs is the thunderous music: 50 different songs playing at the same time is torture.
