
Jesús Pobre teaches the young women of the municipality to defend themselves against sexist violence

15 July 2021 - 11: 49

On July 7, 8 and 9, the Eatim de Jesús Pobre has given a course on feminist self-defense against sexist violence, and which has had the specialist in the matter Maitena Monroy, displaced from Euskadi.

The course consisted of a feminist self-defense workshop in which 14 young people between the ages of 14 and 20 participated, to identify all forms of sexist violence and unlearn gender roles.

The course has had a dynamic format, in the Jesús Pobre City Council itself, in which theoretical contents such as the social construction of gender and sexist stereotypes have been interspersed, such as romantic love, sexual terror, psychological abuse or cyberbullying .

In the practical section, favor the empowerment of adolescents and young people, as well as the resources to know how to act in the face of different expressions of sexist violence.

This workshop closes the program that began on June 28 with the course "How to talk about sexuality and diversity with your sons and daughters", aimed at fathers and mothers and taught by the sexologist Carmen Sánchez Ruano, who within the program in Matters of equality and eradication of gender violence are subsidized by the Alicante Provincial Council.

  1. Luis says:

    Only girls are seen in the photo. Why haven't boys been included in the workshops? This is a theme that is for everyone not just girls. It is educated as a whole not separating by gender.

    • Pau (FR) says:

      As you have seen in the article, it is about "Feminist self-defense against sexist violence", therefore the boys to whom the course could also be directed, and could benefit from it to better understand the issue of gender violence, are not considered appropriate.
      Because gender violence is exercised exclusively by male gender, and suffered only by female gender according to current criteria, right?
      And yes, effectively separating us by gender and indoctrinating in a certain way at such an early age, it will cost us a lot to achieve effective equality.

      • Luis says:

        Many boys and girls can also subdue others through violent physical or psychological practices. Many of them believe that they are "normal" behaviors and do not realize that they are not. Which are abusive behaviors and mostly demonstrate your inability to manage your personal frustrations. Better to educate them in the recognition and management of their emotions than in a supposed self-defense course. Not only do the alleged victims have to be educated, but also the alleged aggressors. In addition, if this violence is exercised within a lesbian couple or within a group of friends towards another girl or within a school, bullying, these being more common situations than we think, where is this fractional approach to gender violence? ? And let me tell you that a girl mistreating another can exercise and hide behind the most macho behaviors that we can come to believe. The girls also insult others by calling "Whore" and worse, and they do it for fun or envy.
