
Fifty people demonstrate in Dénia in support of the Palestinian people

May 21 from 2021 - 09: 30

During yesterday afternoon, several dozen people gathered in Glorieta from País Valencià de Dénia to protest against Israel's incursions against Palestine in the desolate Gaza Strip.

The strip has turned into a war zone again in recent days, once again facing the military superpower of Israel against a weakened Palestine that has been greatly damaged by the conflict, adding hundreds of deaths and thousands of wounded.

This has sparked a wave of outrage around the world. Also in Dénia, gathering at 19:00 yesterday to fifty people in the heart of the city to demand the end of the attacks and asking for the freedom of Palestine.

In this concentration, organized by podem DéniaEven families, members and non-members of the city's Arab community have participated, without any incident.

  1. Cesar Pino Dominguez says:

    Strongly agree with the previous comments.
    I would ask the protesters, what more than protesting the suffering of Palestine alone; also consider those of Israel. That they advocate that of hostilities in general.
    Each one must make politicians aware of their part so that respect and harmony prevail and hatred does not continue to perpetuate.
    That can be extrapolated to those born there and who do not live in those territories today. Good Morning.

  2. Luis says:

    So they are demonstrating to show their support for Hamas? They say nothing about the missiles they send to Israel? Is it a pro-pacifism demonstration or are you supporting the Hamas missile attack?

  3. Ignacio says:

    The intentions of all these people who are manifesting are good but don't they read the news? Can Hamas continue to bomb Israel? Because of that they do not complain or manifest. Do you know what Hamas is? And what he's doing to his own Palestinian people, using them as human shields, hiding among and behind them. On this occasion Hamas started firing missiles towards Israel and Israel is defending itself. What would we do here in a similar situation? endure the bombardment? One thing is Palestine and another is Hamas.

    • Anonymous says:

      You have only answered yourself. Palestine is not Hamas, Palestine is the one that is suffering because of Hamas and Israel, as the other comment says, the Palestinians are a human shield, that is why they demonstrate, so that Palestine is free, neither Hamas nor Israel, PALESTINE and all the other innocents who are not from Palestine and suffer the consequences

      • Ignacio says:

        Exactly, so why don't they demonstrate against Hamas? That's what I'm saying. At no time do they say the name they only cry out against Israel.
