
Vicent Grimalt: «The tourist model of the 60s has left us a poisoned legacy»

19 2021 April - 13: 31

The Mayor of Dénia, Vicent Grimalt, has participated this afternoon in the presentation of the Destination Sustainable Tourism Strategy, organized by the Secretary of State for Tourism, and which took place in Lanzarote, although the Dianense representative has intervened online.

Grimalt has been part of a round table with other mayors of Spanish municipalities to discuss the situation of tourism and the objectives in accordance with the 2030 Agenda. In his turn, he has been critical of the standard that has been carried out in terms of tourism of the area for years and now seeking to adapt to current needs.

«El modelo turístico de los 60 nos ha dejado una herencia envenenada», señalaba el alcalde en referencia a la época del «todo vale». «The lack of planning has left us with a lack of infrastructure and services, que a muchas partes de la ciudad no llegan».

Además, ha apuntado a lo importante que es lograr un equilibrio entre el turismo como motor económico y la ciudad como espacio donde vivir todo el año, consistente en evitar la masificación del lugar. «Es cierto que el turismo deja dinero y da trabajo, pero tenemos que asumir que, como en cualquier ciudad, hay unos límites, incluso físicos», ha declarado Grimalt, insistiendo en lograr ese balance between tourists and families who live here all year round.

The mayor has announced again that these objectives would be achieved with the seasonal adjustment of tourism. For this reason, he affirms that it is important to show that we are more than sun and beach, and that there is much more offer, such as gastronomic and cultural, which can be enjoyed at any time of the year.

Grimalt, in the same way, has made reference to the situation experienced in the Summer 2020 y que podría darse nuevamente este año. «Pasamos una prueba de fuego con la pandemia durante el verano pasado», ha asegurado, indicando que los números de visitantes se acercaron mucho a los de años anteriores, en parte porque la mayoría son de segunda residencia.

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  1. Dummy says:

    Blame Franco.
