
Ximo Puig announces the extension of the measures in force to stop the COVID-19 pandemic until March 1

February 12 from 2021 - 09: 30

The President of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, announced yesterday after the meeting of the Interdepartmental Table for Prevention and Action against COVID-19, the extension of the current measures to curb the COVID-19 pandemic until March 1.

The president has justified the decision taken in which «la evolución de los datos es positiva» but the situation «todavía no es buena». In addition, Ximo Puig alluded to the data and indicators of the incidence of the coronavirus in the Valencian Community, as well as the recommendation of the experts, and the warning made to Spain by the World Health Organization that the current restrictions must be maintained.

During his speech, he assured that the restrictions «limitan derechos y generan situaciones injustas», but nevertheless «no se pueden relajar porque no sería responsable»Therefore «durarán el tiempo que resulte necesario».

The head of the Consell highlighted the great effort made by Valencian society in the last two weeks that according to «se ha traducido en unos resultados esperanzadores».

In this sense, he pointed out that during the last 15 days of restrictions there has been a 39% decrease in hospitalizations; already less than 3.000, and the incidence has been reduced by 41%, with a drop of 682 points, which means registering 777 cases per 100.000 inhabitants.

It also highlighted that currently hospital discharges «casi triplican» the new cases in this last week, that is to say that for each new positive 2,5 discharges are registered; and in the last 10 days the number of people sick with COVID-19 has been reduced by 30.000, as well as the number of hospitalized by 2.000, in 17 days.

In addition, he also explained that in large cities perimeter on weekends, the fall in incidence is around 40% on average in the last 15 days.

For all this, Puig insists that the measures are working «de una manera más rápida de la que podíamos esperar», and in this sense urges society to maintain hope because, as stated, «no todos los días son iguales».

The meeting of the interdepartmental commission was attended by the vice president and councilor for Equality and Inclusive Policies, Mónica Oltra; the second vice president and minister of Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture, Rubén Martínez Dalmau; the Minister of Justice, Interior and Public Administration, Gabriela Bravo; the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Vicent Marzà; the Minister for Universal Health and Public Health, Ana Barceló, and the Regional Minister for Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Labor, Rafa Climent, and for Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility, Arcadi Spain.

Plan Resistir and new aid to the tourism sector

During the press conference, the president made reference to the Resist Plan with which the Generalitat is trying to compensate the sectors most affected by the restrictions to stop the pandemic, and recalled that it is endowed with more than 400 million euros in direct aid.

Puig ha asegurado comprender el malestar de los afectados y por ello ha insistido en que la Generalitat les compensará de la manera «más ágil y eficaz posible», porque según ha manifestado «tenemos que salvar vidas y también salvar autónomos, pymes y trabajos».

In this sense, it has announced that this afternoon, the Official Gazette of the Generalitat has published a new package of aid aimed at the tourism sector. The new grants have 18 million euros that will reach 5.000 companies dedicated to accommodation, travel agencies, restaurants, music festivals and other companies, who will be able to request them from February 22.

Vaccination process

Respecto del proceso de vacunación, al que se ha referido como «el gran activo para superar la pandemia» y «la puerta de la esperanza», el president ha destacado que ya han sido administradas más de 210.000 dosis en la Comunitat Valenciana. Asimismo, ha asegurado que, al finalizar esta semana, 100.000 valencianas y valencianos habrán recibido ya las 2 dosis.

Además, el jefe del Consell ha asegurado que «se está avanzando mucho en la protección de las personas más vulnerables» y que a partir de la próxima semana dará comienzo y se completará la vacunación en los Centros de Día, así como de las personas mayores de 90 años y de los grandes dependientes.

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