
The hospitality industry facing the abyss of restrictions: renew or close

January 21 from 2021 - 15: 22

Sad day for the dianenses hoteliers who, for the first time in 2021, are forced to lower the blinds of their establishments due to the advance of the coronavirus pandemic. And, of course, also for pedestrians who have walked some streets that showed an image rarely seen. A bleak picture.

Today the new restrictions decreed by the Valencian government and affecting the entire community have come into force. But they are especially mourners with the hospitality industry, which have not been allowed any time concessions. Complete closure, without half measures.

Of course, offering them the opportunity to continue working with home or collection services, for which many of these premises have been forced to reinvent themselves, when they have been able, to start these new projects. A new effort that is required of the hospitality industry to bring catering to homes despite the fact that, paradoxically, with the closure the Generalitat seeks to minimize social contacts, since meetings in homes are the root of most infections in the zone.

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  1. Aldebaran says:

    Globalist politicians want our ruin and with it we depend on them impoverished and not to speak, to disagree. All this repression sold as I want to save you ... yes from yourself, your freedom and your thinking. Yate I put all of them saying the same, without debates, all in the same bias. If this is not dictatorship and with a curfew, self-censorship, fines and social accusation. What is it?

  2. Charlotte says:

    Closing of bars, restaurants and hotels
    it is a planned government action. This is part of the Great Reset. The hospitality industry can then be taken over by globalists for a bargain price. The so-called virus is an excuse that is being used.

  3. Jose says:

    The blame for all this is not the virus but the ignorance of the people for allowing politicians to ruin an entire society in this way. They, with their salaries secured at the end of the month, care little about the consequences of their useless measures, which are only done so that they are not told that they have done nothing and lose votes.
    Pity of society destroyed by politicians. It is time to survive as each one can and above all stop believing in the politicians and their foolish words
