
Improve your defenses with VIT-C 1000 Liposome in Herbalist Antonia

06 October 2020 - 09: 55

This is a vitamin C supplement different from the others, which ensures a lot of greater absorption of the vitamin than traditional supplements: herbalist Antonia helps you cope with fall and winter. Here are all the details.

VIT-C 1000 Liposome is a perfect natural product for your immune system to function properly. Improve your defenses and achieve iron health with liposomal or liposomal vitamin C.

Benefits of vitamin C

  • VIT-C 1000 is especially recommended to help the immune system of adults, for example during a common cold or in seasonal changes. Helps respiratory function, cardiovascular function and contributes to the maintenance of the body and tissues such as the skin against oxidative damage
  • Liposomal vitamin C has a superior antioxidant effect on both liver and brain tissues
  • Helps in cardiovascular health
  • Vitamin C delays the damage caused by UVA rays on the skin, due to its antioxidant effect and its action on collagen metabolism

It is in a single-dose drinkable vial format, so it is very easy to take. If you want personal and appropriate information for you, stop by Herboristería Antonia. They are in the Plaza Archiduque Carlos, 10. They attend you on the phone 663 170 403

Contact Herboristería Antonia

Plaza Archduke Carlos, 10
663 170 403
Monday through Friday from 9: 30 13 to: 30 and 16: 30 20 to: 30 10 Saturday: 00 13 to: 30
Food, "Salud"
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