
Carrying out COVID-19 tests in Dénia - Laboratorios González

  1. dyeing says:

    Bonjour je souhaiterai faire passer des tests Antigénique sur Dénia pour 2 enfants de 9 ans que rentre de vacances pour vendredi 12 Août 2022 fin de matinée ils ont leur vol le samedi 13 Août à 10:30 a.m. thanks for donner a RDV sur Denia

  2. haberdasher says:

    j ai besoin d un test pour le tetour en france à realuser demain ..
    What is the rate for a homologue test?
    Faut il orevoir a rdv in amont ou simply be present?

  3. gont says:


    What is the prix for a svp test?
    et quand faire a test for a department on Monday at 13pm svp?

  4. Catalan says:

    Combien coûte le test pcr covid?
    Thank you

  5. Nathalie bentz says:

    Quel est votre tariff in order to carry out a covid19 test for a retour in France

    thank you for your reply
    Nathalie Bentz

  6. Josephine simons says:

    How many days before to take a test to go to Belgium for my work and what are the hours and days

  7. Sonia costa says:

    Hello, I need a COVID test for my daughter, she has been in contact with a positive person, we have just been informed.
    Where do we call, or do we go ???

  8. Melanie Olivera says:

    Hello, I need my whole family to attend the test, we are four, how do I have to do?

  9. Mike squires says:

    What is the cost of the test?

  10. Rodrigo says:

    I want to do a pcr test this Wednesday or Thursday. I am going to meet with family members at risk and I want to know if I am putting them in danger. Thank you.
