
Glasses of corn and bags of cloth in the 'ecological Volta a peu a Dénia' more ecological and sustainable

27 March 2019 - 08: 50

The current edition of the Volta a Peu in Dénia It will be the most ecological and sustainable of all that have been done so far. From the Foundation Baleària, su gerente, Ricard Pérez, explicó durante la presentación de este evento deportivo que «hemos planteado hacer una carrera sin plásticos. Los envases donde se entregará el agua al final de la prueba son de cartón y maiz». La organización instalará máquinas expendedoras de agua, donde los participantes podrán beber a través de estos envases cien por cien ecológicos.

Jordi Jorro with Ricard Perez Vicent Crespo and Toni Senti

Ricard himself commented that «esto se extiende a la bolsa del corredor que no será de plásticos sino de tela. Dentro llevará un envase de cartón con agua y el tapón que lleva se debe de reciclar. Se instalarán contenedores de tapones para que se depositen allí, posteriormente una empresa especializada se encargará de su reciclaje».

The ecological theme was the great novelty that this edition of the Volta a Peu has to Dénia, proof that the next 6 will take place in April, with the start of the 18 queen test: 30 hours. Before the races of the lower categories will be carried out.

The President of the Athletics Club Baleària Diànium, Jordi Jorro, explained that, «nos habían pedido homologar la prueba pero esto supone un gran desembolso económico. Pero los atletas deben de estar tranquilos ya que el recorrido lo hemos medido con rueda y salen los 10 kilómetros». The route is the same as in the previous edition and is well known to the participants.

presentacion volta a peu a denia

The trophies, once again, are sponsored by the Dénia Foundation, which has been entrusted to the Aprosdeco students. They are very original trophies made with clay, which this year present some novelties with respect to those of previous editions.

It is expected that athletes participating in the queen competition will be around 1.300, where the categories range from youth to Veterans G, plus 250 that will do so in the lower events, from Barrufets and Prebenjamines, who are not inside the Circuit. , like those of youngest and even cadets who do score.

Route from Volta a Peu to Dénia 2019

The circuit, with start and finish in Marqués de Campo, is the same as in previous editions. A total of 10 kilometers that run through some of the most emblematic places in the urban area of ​​Dénia in two laps.

recorrido primera vuelta volta a peu denia 2019

recorrido segunda vuelta volta a peu denia 2019

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  1. Marco says:

    Excellent revolution
