
Intersindical Salut Dénia refuses to meet with the Regional Minister of Health on the day of the concentration of the Platform

21 March 2019 - 09: 38

The members of Intersindical Salut will not meet with Ana Barceló, Consellera de Sanitat, this Thursday morning. This has been announced in a harsh statement in which they state that Barceló cites «a la Junta el mismo día en que se va a realizar la concentración de la Plataforma en Defensa de la Sanitat Pública de la Marina Alta en un nuevo intento de desmovilización».

ana barcelo consellera de sanidad universal y salud publica

And it is that today Thursday 21 of March, from the 11: 00 of the morning, there is programmed a concentration at the gates of the Palau de la Generalitat summoned by the Platform in Defense of Public Health of the Marina Alta to demand a solution to the concession model of the Dénia Department of Health.

From Intersindical Salut consider "a total lack of respect for workers' representatives, and therefore for the health workers themselves" that the Councilor summons them to a meeting on the same day in which they have announced the rally, so they have declined attendance at this meeting.

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