
Five Creative Cities of UNESCO meet in Dénia to evaluate the Youth4Food program

21 March 2019 - 00: 00

Representatives of the five cities involved in the Erasmus + Youth4Food program (Young Chefs for Sustainable Gastronomy), met last week in Dénia to evaluate their development and plan the next exchanges and activities. The program has already covered different stages in which professors and students of gastronomic training centers from the five cities have participated. In the case of Dénia, IES Maria Ibars is actively involved in the process.

reunion de ciudades creativas en denia

The sessions of this international technical meeting were held on Thursday and Friday at the CdT-Marina Alta and the Office of Innovation and Creativity of the Dénia City Council. Trainers and technicians from the creative cities of Bergen (Norway), Östersund (Sweden), Parma (Italy), Gaziantep (Turkey) and Dénia have participated, all of them integrated into the UNESCO network in the field of Gastronomy.

The meetings have also served to clarify and adjust the pending exchanges between cities, the mobility of students and teachers and internal aspects of the financing of the program. Also discussed was the contribution of the program to the good practices of socio-labor insertion of chefs and producers of the agri-food sector. In this regard, it was agreed to prepare a report-book that includes the activity developed and the level of compliance with the objectives set. The program Youth4Food aims to train young people on the basis of sustainable and creative gastronomy.

ciudades creativas reunidas en denia

During their stay, the representatives of the cities were able to meet in Dénia and Valencia the atmosphere prior to the party of the failures, declared by UNESCO Intangible Heritage of Humanity. In Dénia they have maintained contacts with chefs and have visited the Municipal Market. On Thursday they were received by the mayor, Vicent Grimalt.

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