
The Consell approves more than 14 million euros to remodel the platforms of the 9 Line of TRAM

11 March 2019 - 01: 11

The full Council has authorized Ferrocarrils of the Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) to initiate the bidding process of the redevelopment of the platforms and improvement of accessibility of the stations and stops of the 9 Line (Benidorm-Dénia) and part of the Line 1 (Benidorm-Alicante) of the TRAM of Alicante, for an amount of 14.288.228 euros, VAT included, and a maximum term for its execution of 15 months.

anden de la estacion de denia

These works will allow to condition the current platforms for the access of the travelers to the new dual floor trains that FGV plans to incorporate in Alicante. This investment will affect 18 stations and stops of the 9 Line and nine other stops have been included in the 1 Line, in the section between Benidorm and Cala Piteres, to include accessibility improvements.

Currently, the platforms of the 9 Line are adapted to the needs of the 2.500 series diesel trains, which require high access points that are not compatible with the new dual trains.

This action is part of the different technical initiatives that the Generalitat is carrying out, through FGV, in the Benidorm-Dénia connection and that aim to maintain and improve operating conditions, guaranteeing regularity and quality of service with standards similar to the rest of the FGV network in Alicante.

Among the actions already underway or in administrative processing and those planned for the next few years, the Generalitat's investment in the 9 Line of the Alicante TRAM amounts to more than 130 million euros.

Construction project

The purpose of this project is to define the actions to be carried out in civil works to reduce the platforms, improve accessibility and guarantee the access of new trains in these stops, as well as travelers to vehicles.

In addition, the construction project includes the renovation of the beach of tracks of the Benidorm station, point of confluence of the 1 and 9 lines, and the construction of a warehouse deposit next to the passenger access for train parking.

In turn, this intervention will allow the Hospital Vila, CC Comercial La Marina – Finestrat and Garganes stops, in Altea, to be conditioned for a possible automated closure.

New dual trains

FGV has already received the first of the six dual units (electro-diesel) that will provide service in the TRAM in Alicante and that Satdelr manufactures in its Albuixech factory in Valencia.

FGV awarded Stadler Rail Valencia the amount of 43.320.000 euros, VAT included, the contract for the manufacture of the six new diesel and electric dual propulsion trains for the TRAM in Alicante. Throughout the year, the Swiss company based in the Region will provide the rest of the units.

The new units have a design and technical characteristics, updated in accordance with current regulations and compatible with the use of state-of-the-art security, control and communications systems.

With the new trains, greater reliability and safety is obtained, as well as comfort, accessibility and customer information, in accordance with the standards that FGV provides in the rest of its lines.

The new dual units have numerous accessibility measures, which will significantly improve those currently required by the current regulations, marked by Royal Decree 1544 / 2007, the Valencian Community Law of 2009 on the matter and the standard for the doors in 14752.

This circumstance is specified both in access to vehicles, as in accessible doors, reserved spaces, and traveler information systems.

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